| Unity and Discord

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The night of the gathering arrived, cloaking Malfoy Manor in an aura of anticipation and intrigue. Death Eaters and allies gathered, their faces masked but their whispers carrying hidden agendas and unspoken alliances.

Tom and Harry stood at the center of it all, a dark power and unity radiating from their presence. The ceremony, intertwined with the event, became a focal point—a symbol of their bond, their ascendance.

As the night unfolded, unity and discord danced a delicate dance. Toasts were raised, alliances reaffirmed, but beneath the surface, tensions simmered.

Bellatrix, ever the provocateur, seized a moment of attention. "To the union of our Lords," she proclaimed, her voice cutting through the revelry. "May it strengthen our cause and forge us into an unstoppable force."

The toast was met with applause, but in the shadows, whispers of dissent lingered. Allies exchanged meaningful glances, alliances tested by the weight of doubt and suspicion.

Tom and Harry, aware of the undercurrents, moved with calculated grace. They navigated conversations, reassured allies, but behind closed doors, discussions turned to strategy, to the delicate balance of power and loyalty.

Amidst the celebration and camaraderie, a tension simmered—a reminder that unity, even in the darkest of times, was a fragile thread, easily frayed by doubt and discord.

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