| Whispers of a Wedding

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Amidst preparations for the gathering, Tom and Harry found a rare moment of respite. They retreated to the quiet confines of their chambers, away from prying eyes and whispered conversations.

Harry watched Tom, his gaze lingering on the lines of concentration etched into his features. "This gathering will be a statement," Harry remarked, breaking the silence.

Tom inclined his head, acknowledging Harry's words. "It will send a clear message—to our allies and our enemies alike."

As they discussed logistics and strategies, a different topic crept into their conversation—an idea that took root and blossomed with unexpected warmth.

"What if we had a small wedding ceremony?" Harry suggested, a tentative smile playing on his lips. "Just us and the inner circle. A moment of unity, not just politically but personally."

Tom considered the idea, his expression softening at the thought. "A private affair," he mused, a rare hint of sentimentality in his voice. "A symbol of our bond, shared with those closest to us."

Plans for the gathering took on new meaning as they discussed intertwining the ceremony with the event—a celebration of their unity on multiple levels. Whispers of a wedding spread among the Death Eaters, sparking curiosity and speculation.

In the quiet of their chambers, amidst the weight of their responsibilities, Tom and Harry found a moment of quiet anticipation—a glimpse of a future where unity and love intertwined, shaping their dark ascendancy in ways they had never imagined.

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