| Days of Ascendancy

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In the days following their wedding, Tom and Harry's alliance grew stronger as they forged plans for the future. The halls of Malfoy Manor buzzed with activity, a symphony of ambition and determination echoing through the grand estate.

Tom, now officially bonded to Harry, found a newfound strength in their union. He spent hours in his study, poring over scrolls and ancient tomes, mapping out strategies and alliances that would cement their power.

Harry, equally driven, delved into the intricacies of magical law and politics. With Sirius Black by his side, he navigated the complexities of their world, securing allegiances and weaving webs of influence.

Together, they were unstoppable. Their vision for a new order, one where purebloods and half-bloods stood united, fueled their every action.

As whispers of their wedding spread across the wizarding world, Albus Dumbledore took notice. The old wizard, sensing a threat to his carefully constructed balance, set his sights on Tom and Harry.

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