| The Bond Deepens

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With the Ministry under their control, Tom and Harry turned their attention to solidifying their rule. The wizarding world was in a state of shock, reeling from the sudden change in power. But Tom and Harry were relentless, ensuring that their new order was firmly established.

One evening, as they reviewed reports in their private quarters, Tom set down a parchment and looked at Harry. "We've come a long way, haven't we?"

Harry smiled, his eyes reflecting the journey they had undertaken. "Yes, we have. And there's still so much more to do."

Tom's gaze softened. "Indeed. But first, there is something I wish to give you."

Harry watched curiously as Tom retrieved a small, ornate box from a drawer. Opening it, he revealed a dark, intricately carved ring. "This ring is a symbol of our bond," Tom explained. "A token of my trust and affection."

Harry took the ring, feeling its weight and significance. "Thank you, Tom. I will wear it always."

Tom took Harry's hand, sliding the ring onto his finger. "With this, you are not just my second-in-command, but my equal in all things."

Harry felt a surge of emotion, his loyalty to Tom deepening. "I am honored, Tom. And I will stand by you, no matter what."

Tom's expression grew serious. "There is one more thing. A ritual, to bind us even closer."

Harry's heart quickened. "What kind of ritual?"

Tom produced a small vial of ink, similar to the one used for the Dark Mark. "A binding mark, a symbol of our eternal alliance."

Harry nodded, his trust in Tom unwavering. "I'm ready."

Tom took Harry's left arm, just above the Dark Mark, and began to draw an intricate design with the ink. As he chanted an incantation, the ink glowed and burned into Harry's skin, merging with the existing mark. The pain was intense, but Harry endured it, knowing it was a testament to their bond.

When the ritual was complete, Harry looked at the new mark, a combination of their symbols intertwined. "This is our bond," Tom said, his voice filled with solemn pride. "Unbreakable and eternal."

Harry met Tom's gaze, his heart swelling with loyalty and affection. "Always, Tom."

That night, as they stood together under the stars, Harry felt a profound sense of connection and purpose. Their bond was not just one of power and ambition, but of trust and mutual respect. Together, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead, united in their vision for a new world.

As they embraced, Harry knew that this was where he belonged. With Tom by his side, he was ready to conquer any obstacle and shape the future according to their shared ideals. The dark path they walked was illuminated by their unwavering bond, guiding them toward their destiny.

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