| Consolidation of Power

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The atmosphere within the stronghold had shifted. With Harry now bearing the Dark Mark, there was a palpable sense of unity and purpose among the Death Eaters. Harry's dedication and strategic mind quickly became indispensable to their plans.

Tom called for another council meeting, this time to discuss their next major move. Harry stood at Tom's side, his presence now fully accepted by most of the inner circle.

"Tonight, we strike at the heart of our enemies," Tom announced, his voice filled with conviction. "The Ministry of Magic has long been a thorn in our side. It is time we take control and establish our rule."

The room buzzed with excitement and anticipation. Harry stepped forward, outlining the plan they had devised. "We will launch a multi-pronged attack. Key Death Eaters will infiltrate the Ministry, disabling its defenses from within. Meanwhile, our forces will launch a coordinated assault on key locations. Our goal is to capture the Minister and key officials, ensuring a swift and decisive victory."

Bellatrix, ever eager for action, grinned wickedly. "About time we took the fight to them."

The meeting concluded with everyone clear on their roles. As the Death Eaters dispersed to prepare, Tom and Harry lingered behind.

"Are you ready for this?" Tom asked, his tone softer than usual.

Harry nodded. "I've never been more ready. We'll succeed, Tom. Together."

Tom's eyes held a rare glimmer of affection. "Indeed, we will."

That night, as darkness fell over the wizarding world, the Death Eaters mobilized. Harry led a team through the secret passages into the Ministry, his heart pounding with a mix of adrenaline and resolve. They encountered resistance, but Harry's leadership and Tom's meticulously crafted plan ensured their success.

Within hours, the Ministry of Magic fell. The Minister was captured, and key officials were subdued. As dawn broke, the Dark Mark hung ominously over the Ministry, signaling the new order.

Tom and Harry stood in the Minister's office, surveying their victory. "This is just the beginning," Tom said, his voice filled with triumph.

Harry nodded, feeling a deep sense of accomplishment. "The world will know our power. And they'll see the benefits of our rule."

Tom placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, his expression one of pride and satisfaction. "Together, Harry. Always."

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