| The Announcement

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In the aftermath of their latest victory, Tom and Harry returned to the Ministry to address their followers. The Death Eaters gathered in the grand hall, their faces a mixture of reverence and anticipation. Tom and Harry stood side by side, their presence commanding the room.

Tom raised his hand, signaling for silence. "My loyal followers," he began, his voice resonating with authority, "we have faced many challenges, and we have triumphed over all of them. Our power is unmatched, our rule unbreakable."

The Death Eaters cheered, their loyalty to Tom and Harry unwavering. Tom let the noise die down before continuing. "But today, I have an announcement that goes beyond our conquests and victories. Today, I wish to share with you something deeply personal."

The hall fell silent, every eye on Tom and Harry. Harry felt a surge of nervous excitement as Tom turned to him, his gaze filled with love and determination.

"Harry," Tom said, taking Harry's hand in his own, "you have been my steadfast ally, my trusted second-in-command, and my partner in every endeavor. Your strength, loyalty, and love have been a constant source of support and inspiration."

Harry's heart swelled with emotion as Tom continued. "It is with great joy and pride that I announce our engagement. Harry and I will be married, united not only in our rule but in our hearts as well."

The room erupted in applause and cheers, the Death Eaters expressing their approval and support. Bellatrix, standing at the front, looked particularly pleased, her eyes shining with admiration for her Lords.

Tom and Harry exchanged a smile, their hands still clasped together. Tom raised their joined hands high, a symbol of their unity and strength. "Together, we will lead the wizarding world into a new era of prosperity and power. Together, we are invincible."

The cheers grew louder, filling the grand hall with a sense of celebration and anticipation for the future. Tom and Harry knew that their bond would be the cornerstone of their reign, guiding them through whatever challenges lay ahead.

As the celebration continued, Harry looked into Tom's eyes, feeling a profound sense of happiness and fulfillment. "I love you, Tom," he whispered.

Tom's eyes softened, and he leaned in to kiss Harry gently. "And I love you, Harry. Forever."

Their love and partnership, forged in the crucible of war and strengthened by their shared ambitions, would guide them through the trials and triumphs of their rule. Together, they would shape the future of the wizarding world, united in power and love.

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