| Shadows of Betrayal

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The grand hall of Malfoy Manor echoed with the sounds of revelry, Death Eaters celebrating the engagement of their leaders. Tom and Harry moved through the crowd, accepting congratulations and well wishes.

As the night wore on, a sense of unease crept into Harry's mind. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. Tom noticed Harry's troubled expression and guided him to a quieter corner of the hall.

"What troubles you, my love?" Tom asked, concern etched in his features.

Harry hesitated, unsure of how to voice his suspicions. "I can't shake this feeling of unease. What if someone among the Death Eaters opposes our union?"

Tom's eyes narrowed thoughtfully. "It is a valid concern. However, our supporters are loyal, and any dissent will be swiftly dealt with."

Before Harry could respond, a figure emerged from the shadows, a familiar sneer on his face. It was Lucius Malfoy, his gaze cold and calculating.

"Congratulations on your engagement," Lucius said, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Quite the spectacle you've made of yourselves."

Tom's expression hardened. "Is there something you wish to discuss, Lucius?"

Lucius glanced around, ensuring they were alone. "I have information that may interest you. Information that could affect your reign."

Harry's heart raced as he listened, his suspicions growing more pronounced. "What kind of information?" he demanded.

Lucius leaned in, his voice low. "There are whispers of dissent among the Death Eaters. Some believe that your union weakens our cause. They see it as a sign of vulnerability."

Tom's grip tightened on Harry's hand. "And what do you suggest we do about this dissent?"

Lucius smirked. "I suggest a show of strength. A demonstration of power that will quell any doubts and solidify your authority."

Harry exchanged a wary glance with Tom. "What kind of demonstration?"

Lucius leaned back, a gleam in his eyes. "A public execution. Show them that defiance will not be tolerated."

Tom's jaw clenched, but he remained composed. "Very well, Lucius. Your counsel is noted."

As Lucius walked away, Harry turned to Tom, his voice urgent. "We can't simply execute dissenters. It will only breed more resentment."

Tom nodded, his expression grave. "I know. But we must show strength. We will handle this with caution and precision."

The weight of their impending rule settled heavily on Harry's shoulders as they rejoined the festivities, the shadows of betrayal looming ever closer.

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