| Unbreakable Bond

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The morning after their passionate night together, Harry woke up feeling more connected to Tom than ever before. The events of the previous night played back in his mind, filling him with a sense of contentment and belonging. He turned to find Tom already awake, watching him with a soft smile.

"Good morning, Harry," Tom said, his voice filled with warmth.

"Good morning," Harry replied, reaching out to touch Tom's hand. "Last night was... incredible."

Tom nodded, his eyes filled with a mixture of satisfaction and affection. "It was. And it's just the beginning."

They spent the morning discussing their future, both as rulers of the wizarding world and as partners. The depth of their connection was evident in every word, every touch. They knew that their bond would be the foundation of their reign, a source of strength and unity.

In the days that followed, Tom and Harry worked together seamlessly, their relationship adding a new layer of cooperation and trust to their efforts. They continued to solidify their control over the wizarding world, rooting out the last remnants of resistance and ensuring that their rule was absolute.

One evening, as they were reviewing reports in Tom's study, Bellatrix Lestrange burst in, her eyes wide with excitement. "My Lords, we've received word of a potential threat in the north. A group of wizards is gathering, planning to challenge your rule."

Tom's expression hardened, but there was a glint of amusement in his eyes. "Let them come. They will learn the price of defiance."

Harry nodded in agreement. "We'll deal with them swiftly and decisively."

They quickly organized a response, gathering their most loyal and skilled Death Eaters. Tom and Harry led the charge, their presence striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. The battle was fierce but brief, the rebels no match for the combined might of Tom Riddle and Harry Potter.

As they stood victorious on the battlefield, Harry looked at Tom with pride. "We did it, Tom. Together."

Tom's eyes softened, and he placed a hand on Harry's shoulder. "Yes, Harry. Together, we are unstoppable."

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