| Unveiling Unity

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The response to Tom and Harry's offer hung in the air like a storm waiting to break. Whispers among the Death Eaters intensified, anticipation mingling with apprehension. In the midst of this tense atmosphere, Tom and Harry remained composed, their gazes locked in silent understanding.

Days passed, each hour feeling like an eternity as they awaited word from the dissenters. Then, a messenger arrived bearing a parchment sealed with the mark of the rebels. With a shared glance, Tom broke the seal, his expression unreadable as he scanned the contents.

"It seems our offer has been accepted," Tom announced, a hint of satisfaction in his tone.

Harry nodded, relief flooding through him. "Unity is our strength," he reminded the gathered Death Eaters, his voice carrying conviction.

The mood shifted, tension giving way to cautious optimism. Plans were set in motion for a gathering—a show of solidarity to reaffirm their authority and quell doubts. Tom and Harry meticulously planned every detail, from the location to the guest list.

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