| The New Order

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The Ministry of Magic was now firmly under the control of Tom Riddle and Harry Potter. The changes they implemented were swift and decisive. Laws were rewritten, decrees issued, and opposition crushed. The wizarding world was undergoing a transformation, one that reflected the vision of its new rulers.

Harry had taken up residence in the Minister's office, working tirelessly to implement the changes they had planned. Tom frequently joined him, the two of them strategizing late into the night.

One evening, Tom approached Harry with a new plan. "It's time to address the Order of the Phoenix. They remain a significant threat to our rule."

Harry's expression hardened. "What do you propose?"

"We will draw them out, force them to confront us on our terms," Tom replied. "And when they do, we will eliminate them once and for all."

Harry nodded. "I'll handle it."

The trap was set. Using intelligence gathered by their spies, they discovered the location of the Order's new headquarters. Harry and a team of Death Eaters, including Bellatrix Lestrange, prepared to launch a surprise attack.

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