Meeting Them

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(I want to let everyone know now because I keep getting comments about how the main character is weird or not right or the overall story is bad☝🏻🙃. This story was not originally mine, the book is old as hell, and it was written when I was 13 (I am now 21) originally on Quotev. So in saying that, please excuse the bad grammar, writting, and overall sentence structure ok 🤣.  Please enjoy the cringe)

It was one of your favorite days of the year, a snow day. You hated school and loved winter and fall. However winter always came first. You where watching some Christmas programs, then you saw a man in blue, who named himself Jack Frost. You went up to your mom, "Mommy who's Jack Frost", she smiled down at you, "Well dear Jack Frost is the person who makes the snow fall and the person who creates snow days". Your eyes lit up, being 6 years old your teachers never taught you how 'science' explains how the snow falls.

You ran out of the room and got your snow cloths on, "What are you doing hun", you spun around to your mom, "I'm going to go thank Jack Frost for the snow day". Your mother chuckled and told you to stay by the house. You where outside writing in the snow "THANK U JAK FROST". You heard a chuckling from above, you looked up and saw a boy in a tree. He had hair like snow, a big stick and a blue sweat shirt. "Are you Jack"? He looked down at you in surprise, he floated down and kneeled down beside you,     "Wait you can see me", you shook your head up and down, making snow fall off of your hat.

He picked you up, "YOU BELIEVE!!!". You smiled "So I take it your Jack Frost then"? He put you down and sat on top of his staff, "The one and only, however my name has a 'c' in it". You went down to your thank you note "Oh I see". Then you wrote 'JAKC' instead of 'JAK'. He laughed "Close enough kid". You ran up to him, "Will you play with me, mommy is too busy". He grinned widely, "Sure I will, now who will I be playing with"? You giggled "Me silly, my names (y/n) by the way".
"Lovely name (y/n)," "Tanx now before we go how old awe you?" You said crossing your arms. "15.....why?" He raised an eyebrow. "Becaufe it appwies to my game now wets go!" You charged off outside with Jack hovering not far behind you.

You and Jack had a blast, you two made a snow man, had a snowball fight and went sledding in your back yard, and thanks to Jack you guys never ran out of snow. It was getting late, "Hey Jack would you like to come inside for some coco"? He rubbed the back of his neck, "Well..." you grabbed his hand, "Pretty please", you then gave him the best puppy dog eyes you could. "Fine fine", he chuckled and hoisted you up and put you on his shoulders carrying you inside.

Luckily your mom was taking a shower, you two pored two glasses of hot water and pored in the coco and stirred. You guys went into the living room and watched cartoons while sipping your hot coco. You both laughed at the funny parts, and it seemed Jack was having a kick out of it. You finished your cup and yawned, then a few seconds later you fell asleep on Jacks lap. He looked down at you and smiled.

He picked you up and put you into your pink room with butterfly and rainbow stickers plastered, well everywhere. He looked around the room and saw the pictures you drew, some of yourself with your mom, others unicorns and rainbows, but what caught his attention most of all were pictures of Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny, Tooth and even Sandy. He looked at you, then your mom came out of the bathroom. He moved your hair and kissed your forehead, "See you soon and have lots of adventures in the mean time".

He then climbed out the window and left.

A Winter Night (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now