Enemy's Return

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Jack's pov:
I walked out of North's office, still confused and angry about how I 'can't see (y/n) ' anymore. As if, the only danger she is in is being searched for cavities from Tooth. There I saw (y/n) talking to Phil. Wait... Can she understand him? "Oh hey Jack", I smiled "Hey (y/n), North says we have to go". She pouted, "Aw how come"? I rubbed the back of my head, "Well you see uh... North is a... Very busy and you know Christmas is soon, so he needs um.... Peace and no distractions". 'please let her by it, please let her by it'. She nodded her head, "Yah, well I guess that makes sense". I smiled, yes she bought it. "so (y/n), you want a ride home"? Her face brightened up, "Of course". She hopped on my back, "Well, what are we waiting for"? I grinned, she hasn't changed that much since I last saw her.

Phils pov:
When Jack and (y/n) left I ran right into North's room. I heard a shatter and North groan, "What have I told you about knocking"! I furrowed my brows.
"GRANST-BREHAVE STRJK"!!! North stood up, "What's wrong, what's the emergancy"? "Grftelyu". He widened his eyes, "What about (y/n)"? "Fromted yohsn JCJ kshsi susta kshsi kiosk dusnsystabay". He sat down, "She knew what you where saying, *sigh*, so it has already begun".

(Y/N) pov:
Once you flew on top of Jack once, it was no longer scary. All the way, I giggled and smiled, especially when Jack told jokes or story's. Jack slowly glided toward the ground, however, no where near my house, but instead a forest. "Um Jack, what are we doing here. Last time I checked my house wasn't in a forest".
Jack nodded his head, "Ya, well I thought we could walk a bit, you know no rush getting home". I smiled, true I didn't want to leave him, after all I haven't seen him in years. I saw something black move out of the corner of my eye, Jack seemed to take notice. "What's wrong". I shook it off and smiled, "Nothing".
Me and Jack continued walking toward my house and all the way there I was smiling or laughing, well same goes to Jack. However, there where times where I would see the same black as before move around. Yet I shook of the feeling that something was following us and... Watching me. Besides, if there ever was anything that would cause me danger, Jack would save me.
We eventually got to my house and it was getting dark. I hugged Jack, since my mom was home, it would be hard to explain Jack. Well even though she couldn't see her, it would be hard to explain floating hot coco mugs, TV remotes, blankets and not to mention the coldness and frost inside the house. I hugged Jack then let go, blushing like crazy,why am I blushing? I looked over at Jack and he was blushing too. "Well I guess I will see you soon Jack". He smiled and leaned on his staff, "Yep, I will be here tomorrow". I was happy of this, this time I'm sure he won't leave me. He started floating away, "SEE YA (Y/N)"!!! I waved goodbye to Jack and heard him yell, "NORTH WIND, TAKE ME HOME"!!!

???? Pov:
"Hehehe, it looks like Jack has a new friend, hehe and who would have thought it would be her". I sat petting my wonderful pets, "This is going to be fun"...

(y/n) pov:
I rolled back and forth in bed, it was like a repeating horror film repeating over and over again. All I saw was me falling and falling and falling. Yet I didn't pay attention to that, all I saw was a smirking Jack above the cliff. I eventually closed my eyes and when I opened them again I saw the ground coming closer and closer, then I hit and all I saw was blackness.
I sat up panting in bed, cold sweat running down the side of my cheek. "It was just a nightmare... It was just a nightmare". I laid back down in bed, it was nothing. I felt a cold hand down my cheek, "Hehehe, oh my (y/n), how you have grown". My eyes shot open and all I saw was cold golden eyes. "Boo~"...

(Guys take it into consideration that this story didn't belong to me before so there will be typos and confusion considering there are two different people's imagination ,and grammar, in one book, so please try to overlook the typos and if something doesn't make sense tell me! Thank you :)   )

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