Purvey Much? prt2

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You spun around and saw Jack. You about punched his face in when he dodged it barely by an inch. "O my gosh Jack! You can't do that!" You said huffing and puffing. "Your such a wimpy girl (name),". He said laughing. "Oooo ima beat cho ass!" You said punching your fist into your hand repeatedly. He stopped laughing and had wide eyes. Jack smirked at your attire. You wanted to slap him. He looked up realizing your thoughts and future actions and backed off. "Sorry.......so ummmm how about we ummm go out to eat?" He said scratching his head looking nervous. "I would love too, but how would we do that.....since I'm......the only one....that can uh ya know....." You said trying not to say it. It hurt his feelings when you brought this up. "See me! Yeah I know I'm invisible!" You felt guilty. It made your stomach swirl when he was upset. The water in his eyes sparkled as you reached out and touched his wet cheek. You wiped the tears from his eyes and hugged him tightly. Unpronounced to you Jack had snuck your wallet from your pocket while y'all were hugging tightly.

When you released you dragged Jack towards the city. "Now let's go get that food!" As you were walking Jack wrapped his arms around you and jumped in the air. When he did he started to fly. You were shocked at him just picking you up like that. He flew to the North Pole. You were still wearing the same outfit you had on. The cold chills started to get to you. *achoo*! You sneezed like a kitten. "Bless you," Jack said landing down on the guest room terrace. He opened the doors and led you inside. You sat down on the bed shivering off the top. "Awwww you poor thing!" Jack said wrapping a warm blanket on you. He turned your head towards his and kissed your quivering lips. All of the sudden a burst of warmth spread through your body, and made you melt. Instead of pulling back, Jack got deeper into the kiss and his arms wrapped tightly around you. You saw Jack's eye flash black, but ignored it thinking it was just you. For some reason nothing felt right. Nothing didn't fell right at all. From the incident at the park from this. Come to think of it Jack would of never let you fly through the freezing cold with what you had on. He would make you put some warm clothes on. It made you sick to your stomach.

(Jack's POV)
She spun around towards me, and punched towards my face. Luckily I dodged it by an inch. "O my gosh JACK! You can't do THAT!". She said huffing and puffing emphasizing every last word. "Your such a wimpy girl (name)," I laughed. "Ooooo ima beat cho ass!" She said punching her fist into her hand repeaditly. I stopped laughing and felt my eyes widen. Well that was until I saw what she was wearing which made me smirk. After a couples mintutes I realized her thoughts and her further actions. "Sorry!" I said snapping my eyes back at hers. ".....so ummmm how we about ummm go out to eat?" I scratched my head expecting a big fat NO! That was until she said in a lovely flowing voice, "I would love too, but how would we do that.....since I'm......the only one....that can uh ya know....." Her words were lovely until she doubted my idea. It felt as if my heart snapped in two. I knew she wasn't trying to hurt my feeling or say, but..... "See me! Yeah I know I'm invisible!" I said weakly finishing her sentence. I could tell by her expression that she had felt guilty. My eyes started to water up and I was just about to cry when, she whipped the tears from my eyes and hugged my with great love and force. I could tell she was gonna take me out to eat, so I secretly took her wallet of of her pocket. I felt like a boss knowing she didn't even notice.

When she pulled back from the hug, she smiled brightly and started to pull me towards the city. "Now let's go get that food!" I didn't want anybody to see her dragging a person they couldn't see and didn't even know existed, so as she was walking I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her in the sky heading towards the North Pole. I thought I would surprise her there."I hope she loves it" I thought. Man did she look so beautiful as her hair flowed in the wind and as her shocked looked turned into a big bright smile that outshone the sun. My heart may be made of ice, but for the first time ever since I last saw her it started to beat proudly again. I felt her start to shiver in my arms then, *achoo* she has the cutest sneeze ever. "Bless you!" I said as we landed on the terrace connecting to the room she once stayed in before. I opened the doors and led her inside. She sat down on the bed as I got a blanket to cover her with to prevent her from getting ill. I sat next to her almost forgetting how her lips last felt. I had to know and regain that memeory. I turned her head towards mine and connected my lips to her once quivering one. She stopped shivering and gave into the kiss making it hard for me to pull back. I couldn't pull back from this. It felt to much like heavens touch. The only thing I could do was just kiss even deeper and more passionate. I wrapped my arms around her body and pulled her in closer. She started to kiss back when she finally regained her strength.

(? POV)
How dare put his lips upon what should be mine! She was meant for me. For the moon had told me. I will make her mine! No matter how much it costs. Look at him trying to woo her. Pffft like it was working. By her body language I can tell she knows that's not her true love. He makes me sick of how far he's gone. Now it's time to put his life to an end!

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