you say good bye i say hello

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( your point of view)

You never forgot Jack Frost, or never stopped believing. He came to your house every night in the winter. Seven years has past since then and tomorrow is your 13nth birthday. After your family members came over and you guys celebrated you went up to your room and waited for Jack to return.

12:45, where is he, he would have been here by now...

(Jacks point of view)

Every day in winter I came to her widow, sometimes we talked,other times we watched TV, but my favorite time was when we got to play in the snow together. (Y/N) always makes me laugh and feel, well happy. She made up for the sadness of other kids not believing in me.

Then one night she told me her birthday was tomorrow. "Really! How old are you turning"? She looked up at the stars "Thirteen years old". I stopped and I couldn't breath. 13, the age where kids grow up, where unicorns and rainbows are a myth, when she will stop believing in me. She will be a teenager, no longer a kid. It felt like my heart literally broke into two.

I said I had to go, I hugged her tight and flew away thinking my only friend cant ever see, hear or believe in me again. That was the last time I saw her, I just didn't want to be more heart broken, I didn't want her to see right threw me.

~ Two years later (your pov)~

It's been two years since you have seen Jack, you knew he was real, though's memories can never be replaced or forgotten. You still waited by your window every winter night. And you continued to draw Jack, Santa and everyone else. For if Jack was real, they had to be too.

You decided to go outside to play in the snow. You put in a pink jacket with fur on the end of the sleeves and around the hood, light skinny jeans (which were a little baggy since you where very thin), tan boots and gloves matching them. You also brought along your white and pink ice skates, for at the park they always had a skating rink open.

You where walking to the park thinking about Jack, you missed him a lot and always wondered why he left. Then you got to the park, lots of kids where sledding, having snowball fights and skating. You set down you roller skates and once you got up a snowball hit you in the face, and caused you to fall backward. A kid ran up to you "Are you ok I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you"! You smiled and threw a snowball at him, he chuckled and you joined him and his friends. Then you noticed someone, he was behind the kids on the other side/team of the snowball fight. He was making perfect snowballs for the kids.

You squinted, he had a blue sweatshirt and... White hair. You ran towards him and as you got closer you knew it was him... The one and only Jack Frost.

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