Dead From the Start

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(Jack's pov)
It's been a day since I've seen her and I already miss her. I thought as I walked in the park kicking around the snow. I walked around for a little until I felt a pain go through my head. It's the same pain I got when My little sister would get hurt. I simmered on the thought, "(Y/N)!" I yelled running towards her house. When I got here her window was wide open and there was black dust every where. And a little note stuck to the wall.

Dear Jack,
if you want to see her again bring me your staff and join me......OR ELSE!

I quickly ran to the first and obvious place he would go. On my way I stopped by the pole to get North. He was in his office making little flying ice trains. SMASH! "Aaaaa!" North screamed. "North....he's got her!" "I told you this is why you shouldn't of brought her here this happens!" "I'm sorry but she is the only person who is like family to me!" I yelled. "Fine we'll go get here but you'll pay afterwards!"

(Your pov)
Okay I'm totally framing out here I'm in a dark cell and it's freezing here! All I remember are trees and an old cabin. CLICK! The door opened and a tall black figure walked in. "Hello there love miss me?" He smirked. he reached his hand out. I bit his hand hard. "That's no way to treat your future husband!. He held the cut from my bit. "Husband......have ya seen the way you've treated me....or better yet the way you look?" He jerked around grabbing a plate of scraps and pushing them towards me. "'ll need the energy!" That's the last words he said to me before leaving the dark room. I picked up the and sniffed it. "Bleeech!" It smelled of sewage. Wait I recognize this smell. My dad was a jarhead so this is familiar. It's delusional liquid. I'm not eating this. I flung the plate towards the wall. When it hit the wall a board fell down. Hmmmm. I thought. These boards are weak so they must breakable. I started quickly clawing at the boards leading outside in my cell. It gave me cuts all over my hand but it was breaking one board after another. Just when I thought I was home free the door was cracking open. I hurriedly put the bed I front of the hole. "WHAT WAS THAT NOISE!" The man asked. "I threw my plate cause the food tasted horrible" He just laughed then left after I heard footsteps leave the stairs I went back to the boards.

(Pitches pov)
I opened and walked in. She was staring at me evilly. I tries to cheer her up, "Hello there love miss me?" I smirked. I reached my hand out to tilt her head up. But then she bit me hard. It cut me. "Thats no way to treat your future husband!" "Husband.....have ya seen the way treated me....or better yet the way you look?" I jerked around grabbing a plate full of food and pushed it towards her. "'ll need all the energy!" Those were the last words I said to her before I left. I went up stairs. I sat down on my couch petting my nightmare horse. I turned on my tv trying to get my mind off of this. I closed my eyes for 10seconds when I heard.....BANG! I quickly ran down stairs. I opened the door to see her sitting there with her bed turned sideways and she was sitting in the middle of the floor.
"WHAT WAS THAT NOISE!" I yelled. "I threw my plate cause the food tasted horrible!" I laughed knowing what I had in the foods then ran back upstairs to finish my nap.

(North's pov)
I had to finish just a few touches on my new ice train. I made one last time, but I stopped since every time I make one everyone seems to barge in and smash it. When I finished I leaned back in my chair scanning my creation. After making it I waited a few seconds to make it fly just in case someone decided to interrupt me. "All clear" I said after 10 seconds. It flew around the room it looked magnificent. That was until.......BANG....SMASH! "Aaaaaaa!" I yelled. "Sorry!" Jack said as he walked in. "Ugggg what do you want!?" I plumped back down in my chair holding my head. "It's (Y/N) Pitch took her....and I know where and what to do, but I need back up!" He was shaking with fear of what has and will happen to her. I sighed and got up...."Alright let's go....let's go get the girl!" He jumped up and was rambling on about how awesome I was.

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