One Kiss Wonder

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(Your pov)
I woke up in North's room with a arm wrapped around me. It kinda freaked you until you felt cold skin. I looked over and saw Jack looking up at me smiling like a flower during spring. I had cold sweat coming from my forehead. He frowned and wiped it off. It wasn't very lovely when he frowned. "Bad dream?" He asked. "Bad in a way," I tried to not blurt out what I had said. "(Y/N) tell me the truth!" He brushed my hair back and looked into my eyes. I looked away and said, "My dad was in my dream yelling at me saying it was all my fault he left, but then you appeared and I felt weird inside then wept in your arms," I twirled my hair. He blushed and looked at me and my twirling hair. Then......BAMM! He smashed his lips into mine. It felt like heaven's touch on my lips. I could feel him smile. It took me awhile but I started to melt. He pulled back and said something to me that would change my life forever, "(Y/N) I love you.....Will you be mine?". My heart stopped and jumped in my throat. I chocked on my words but he understood what I said, "Y-y-y-yes-s-s!". He embraced me tightly and whispered, "I will not allow anything happen to you....not in a million years!" I started to feel tears of joy bang at my eyelids begging for me to let them fall. I couldn't hold them back so they fell to my cheeks. I was blushing so hard that hey evaporated on my face.

(Jack's pov)
She was kicking in her sleep, when suddenly she spring up. I wrapped my arm around her calming her down. She looked over at me and I smiled wide. Then I noticed sweat coming from her head. I whipped it away and my smile too. "Bad dream?" I asked "Bad in a way," she replied. "(Y/N) tell me the truth!" I brushed her hair back and looked into her eyes. She looked away and said, "My dad was in my dream yelling at me saying it was all my fault he left, but then you appeared and I felt weird inside the wept I'm your arms," She twirled my hair. I blushed and looked at her and her twirling hair. The. My body moved on its own and...."BAMM! I kissed her. I felt like kissing a Soft Rose that just bloomed. Because her lips where soft and her cheeks were rosey. She took awhile but then melted. I pulled away and asked, "(Y/N) I love you....will you be mine?" She stuttered on her words. Y-y-y-yes-s-s!". I embraced her tightly and whispered, "I will not allow anything happen to you....not in a million years!". She started to weep in joy. I heard sizzling coming from her cheeks knowing it was her tears that were evaporating on her face because she was blushing.....HARD!

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