At the Pole

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(Your pov)

You where enjoying flying threw the air. You guys been flying for a couple of minutes now. "Hey Jack where are we going", you said with a chuckle. Jack looked at you and grinned, "YOUR ABOUT TO FIND OUT"!! He then dove straight down, causing you to grab on tightly to his sweatshirt. You screamed in fright and thrill. You closed your eyes. Jack slowed down and flew steady. "Hey (y/n) you can open your eyes now". You opened them to see a gigantic building on a snowy mountain. You gasped "Jack where are we".

He landed and you got off. "The North Pole". Your eyes widened, "Wait, the.north.pole"? Jack chuckled, closed his eyes and floated around you. "The only one". You squealed causing Jack to fall in the snow. "Sorry" you said and you helped him up and he stumbled causing him and you to be inches apart. You looked in each others eyes, then you both looked away at the same time. You where blushing like crazy and so was Jack. A water droplet fell from his cheek from the melting snow on his face.

He grabbed your hand, "Well what are we waiting for"? He practically dragged you through the snow since he didn't have to trudge threw it, he just floated over it. He reached the front door and stopped, "Close your eyes". You did as you where told and your heart heated like crazy thinking what would wait being those doors. You heard them squeak open and Jack led you inside.

You heard thousands of noises but all rolled into one. There was hot coco and candy canes fragrance waving threw the air. It just was... Christmas. The doors closed behind you and you where imediatly surrounded with warmth. Jack took his hand, Which was very cold, and led you to a very noisy room. "Open your eyes". Even though the room was loud and practicually making your ear fall off you could still hear Jacks voice clear as day.

You opened your eyes and saw... Well no words could possibly explain it. But it was Magic... It was 's workshop.

( Jacks pov)

You should have seen (y/n) face. (His/her) eyes where full of magic and (his/her) smile was screaming happiness. I grabbed her/his hand, "Want a tour". (She/he) shook (his/her) head wildly. I showed (his/her) the yetis working and the elves... Well doing what elves do. Then we heard, "JACK"!! I cringed knowing I was caught from North. I saw him walking down the stairs. "Who's that?", (y/n) whispered in my ear. Without taking my eyes off North I whispered back "North, or who you like to call him Santa".

He stood in front of us. "Hello there Jack, um do you mind explaining who this is"? I looked at (y/n), "We'll North, this is (y/n)" He shook (his/her) hand, "Well its nice to see you when your not sleeping" he grabbed me by the shoulder. "Now if you wait just one minute my best Yeti will look after you while me and Jack ... Talk". He led me toward his office and I saw Phil come out and stand next to (y/n),

(Your pov)

Well now you had a Yeti named Phil by your side, standing awkwardly and rolling his thumbs. "Hi" you said, "Grawhir (Yeti language for hi)". You somehow made out what he was saying. "So how are you". Greele-tuph frawner"(replied Phil). He was fine but had a lot of robots to paint. You smiled and looked at him, "Well don't worry you will get it done eventually". He looked shocked... For you could understand him.

(Jacks pov)

North sat at his desk, " *sigh*, Jack why did you bring (his/her) here"? I sighed and started to float, "Well (he/she) was my first believer... Even before Jamie a-and I just, just left (him/her). Yet (he/she) still believes in me! I-" North raised his hand and motioned me to stop. "Jack I know why you brought (him/her) here, however *sigh*, you have to take (him/her) away. (he/she) isn't safe here". I sighed. "Oh come on, we beat pitch a year ago and how is your workshop dangerous"? He stood up, "Jack that's not it. You just don't understand", "bu-", "Jack just trust me, take (him/her) away. And don't see (him/her) anymore". North opened the door a crack, "Understood". I nodded my head and stepped out of Norths office, having no intention in keeping Norths promise.

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