Sugar Rush

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(Your pov)
I got up that morning hungry. Since no one was around I went to the candy department of North's workshop. Man were there all kinds of candy and sugar. "Ooooooo (f/c)!" I said eating a piece of it. "Just one more piece" I thought to myself grabbing 2 hands full. I kept thinking one more pice after each bit. The next thing I knew I was all over the walls. "SUGAR SUGAR SUGAR!" I said acting like a clown. I kept eating candy until I heard, "WHATS GOING ON IN HERE?" It was a north and he looked mad. His vision to a candy faced hyped up (y/a) girl. I smiled innocently. "Jack!" North yelled. "Yes?" He said barging in her room. North pointed to me. And instead of being angry jack laughed. He was laughing so hard he was rolling on the floor crying. I could only laugh with him, but North was not in a laughing mood for I had eaten all of the (f/c). His face light up red. "Come on a north what happened to your cherry cheeks and bowl full of jelly laugh that we always hear?" I asked which only made me and jack crack up harder like a bunch of lunatics. North slowly smiled and laughed along.

(Jack's pov)
"I'm so tired....last night nearly gave me a heart attack!" I said to myself. I paced my room back and forth trying to figure out why I had that dream. It was wrong in a way but I was trying to figure out what it was telling me. It seems as though the answer was just right there in my face but where. I looked through all my notes I had wrote down that day. And everything I had done I checked out. Nothing seemed to stand out to me. "JACK!" I heard North yell. I knew it was North by the accent. "Yes?!" I said barging in the room to see North pointing to a young girl with her faced stuffed with candy and the whole candy hall eaten. I fell on the floor laughing and about to cry my eyes out. She started to laugh with me p, but North for one wasn't. (Y/N) had eaten all the candy. "Come in North what happened to your cherry cheeks and bowl full of Jelly laugh that we always hear and love!" She asked. Which in this case only made me and her laugh even harder. I swear I was in tears. North slowly let a smile crease his face and laughed with us cheerfully. North wasn't a person to hold a grudge. Especially over candy!

(Your pov)
Later on in the day Jack and I decided it was time for me to go home before my mom got back from the vacation she took with my aunt in Hawaii. "Come on (Y/N) let's go before she gets there!" Jack yelled from outside the Pole. I ran outside wih my jacket and three sweaters on because I knew it would be freezing over where I lived. I mean come on I lived there all my life so I know every year it would be snowing and colder than zero outside. I jumped on his back with all my clothes on. "For a 18yr old with all those clothes on you sure are light as a feather!" He told me. I didn't know wether to take that as a compliment or sarcasm. I just took it as a compliment as any other girl would do, "Thanx Jack!" I said as we lifted off into the sky. We reached about 1miles above the ground when Jack turned over on his stomach to were I was sitting on his stomach. He looked up at me with those bright big eyes and asked, "When are you gonna move out of your moms house?" I looked at him funny and then answered his question with a question, "Why do you wanna know?" I said rhetorically. "Because when ya do I will kidnap you and keep you forever!" He said. "Ok then I will probably move out in a month or so!" I said back. He smiled and turned back over on his back and I hung on holding his shoulders tightly. I must of fell asleep on his back because I woke up that night in my bed with the covers tucked in under me. I got up noticing a note on my mirror saying, "Baby I love you please hurry and come with me....I need to ask you something," signed Jack. I blushed at the note a little knowing what he might ask me. I looked at my clock on my dresser and saw it was 9:30. I decided mom would be home tomorrow probably, so I went on to bed feeling want and fuzzy inside.

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