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(Your pov)
I got up this morning feeling sore and full. It was around ten last night when we got back from Starbucks. Jack didn't tell me why he took me there he just said, "It's a surprise". We drank hot cocoas and ate donuts. It was fun and filling. "You ready," I heard that same voice from yesterday speak to me again. I turned and looked out of the window and saw the big bright moon looking down upon me. "Ready for what?" I asked. "Your powers and what you'll be named and your job," the moon said. "Your name will be Melody or (your favorite name).....your powers will be (what ever you want)!" He continued. "Wow so I can do all those things!" I said. I lifted up my hand and thought of fire. When I opened my eyes my hand and whole body was on fire. It was funny because it didn't hurt. When I closed your hands the fire evaporated. I looked back up at the moon and nodded in thanx. I quickly ran to the balcony and stood on it ledge. Without warning I pushed off with all my might, and before I knew it I was soaring through the air like an Eagle. It made me feel good. For the first time in days I felt free. Literally I was free. "HEY (Y/N)!" I heard a voice come beside me. I looked over and it was Jack he was smiling big and looked proud as ever.

(Jack's pov)
I knew (Y/N) was going to be sore and full today since we ate a lot last night and didn't get back until ten. I never told her where we were going, so I didn't spoil it. All I told her was "Its a surprise". We ate donuts and drank cocoa. I looked out the window and saw the moon gleaming bright as ever. I haven't talk to him in awhile, but I didn't know what to say. I stood there shining in his brightness. Meanwhile the whole time I was think g about her. I've never ever wanted to get to know a girl so much. She is my girlfriend and I need to know her a lot better. When I looked back at the moon I saw her flying across it. I thought I've gone nuts until I decided to go check it out. "HEY (Y/N)!" She looked back at me and I smiled with proudness. "You can fly!" I said. "Looks that way doesn't it!" She said. "It definitely does look that way!" I said. "Hey race ya around the moon and back!" She zoomed off. I sped as fast as I could but she was just to fast. She slowed down a little and went up beside me. "JACK LOOK OUT!" (Y/N) yelled. I looked in front of me and saw a cliff of I've the BAM!! "AAAA!" I woke up in my room. I looked over me to see if I was injured or anything. Then she came running in. "Jack are you alright?!" She said worried. "I'll be fine if ya lay with me and comfort me!". I said. She walked up to the bed and laid next to me. I put my arm around her and she laid her head on my chest. I fell asleep knowing she was safe and I was okay.

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