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(Jack's pov)
North and I ran out eh door we started heading towards Pitches location. Jack already knew where he was but as for North.....he was confused as hell. "Okay Jack we've been walking for an hour now do you even know where your going?" "Yes!" "Really?" "Not a clue....I'm just following my gut!" I said that knowing all the dirty low comments North was making because every time we would do something dangerous that was North's idea he would say, "I can feel my belly" Jack thought astray continues walking towards the capturer and the capturee.

(Your pov)
I continued working in that loose board. It got looser by the minute. Finally it snapped. SNAP! I waited for him to come down stairs but all I heard was silence. Well not exactly. Because in the darkness of the cellular I'm hearing things like this. *SNORE! GRUMBLE! SCRATCH!* it hurt my ears but I jut ignored it. The hole was big enough for Jack and I to fit through. I quickly sauntered through the hole and got out. All I remember seeing was bright lights and trees swaying. In the distance a little gel stood still watching me escape. "Are you alright miss?" She asked. When she got closer she was wearing clothes from the 1918s, she had short brown hair and brown eyes. Her age was around 10 to 11yrs old. "Follow me!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the woods. I followed her without any questions just as long as I got out of that awful place.

(Jack's pov)
We walked fast thought the woods. I kept hearing giggling, but I thought it was just my imagination because of how frustrated I am at pitch. He stole my GRILFRIEND........I mean he stole (Y/N)! I can't believe I thought of her like that. I mean I have feelings for her, but they don't matter ..........or do they? But really how could she love me? I'm a being no one can see, but Jamie, his friends, her, north, bunny, tooth, you know what that doesn't even matter. All that matters Is that I find her and keep her safe if it kills me. We stumbled upon the cabin where I was told to meet Pitch. North went around the back while I knocked on the door. A tall dark figure opened the door, "HELLO!" I yelled before he could close the door in my face. "Jack....I didn't expect you to find me!" "Where's (Y/N)!?" "Where's my fear that took me eighty years to strike into children's hearts at?" "Tell me NOW!?" I held my staff to his face ready to fire. "Come on Jack you know I'm not gonna give it up that know there's a little more to this story than that," he disappeared out of thin air. All I could hear was his laughing. I spun around in all directions pointing my staff at anything that moved of breathed. "BOO!" He reappeared right behind me then vanished. I jumped a little spinning around to nothing. "TELL ME WHERE'S SHE AT PITCH OR ELSE!" "Or else what you'll throw a snowball at me....Hahahaha!" He was walking on the wall as he spoke to me. "I'm serious" "And so am I, but you don't see me getting hostile about it....NO....I'm trying to have a little fun, like you Jack.....isn't that all you do....never serious all fun and games!" "Yeah well people tend to change!" "O yeah (Y/N)....she's pretty.....might even keep her for myself,". He was right in front of me walking towards me with a 1mile wide grin. North came up from behind him and strangled him to the floor without warning.

(Your pov)
I felt as if something was up. I didn't know exactly what, but it wasn't good. "Hey we should go back" I said. "Why?" She asked. "Something's not right....I know it!" "Alright, but it's on you if we get caught. We turned back around to the cabin to find the door wide open. I walked inside and saw Jack chocking pitch screaming, "WHERE IS SHE YOU SAID SHE WAS IN THE CELLER AND SHES NOT THERE!" "Jack! I'm right here," he dropped pitch right he stood and ran to me. He embraced me. I could feel ice cold tears flow down my back. It stopped and he looked up at me. He gently placed his lips in my forehead and whispered, "I love you and always have......please love back!" "I do...I do!" We hugged for about three minutes when Pitch said something, "Hahaha love then why did you leave her" I could tell he was trying to upset Jack and get to him but I didn't let him. SLAP! I walked up to him and slapped him. HARD! "Okay we should get back to the pole" North said tying a knot on Pitches hands together. We walked him to North's sleigh. How did that get there? O well. We got in the sleigh and rode to the pole. We thought it was all over, but it was only the beginning.

(Authors Note:
     Previously before I edited this chapter today, there was a part in here that was extremely inappropriate and insulting that I could no longer wait for the original authors permission to change. Any reader who read it, not just those who were insulted but all, I apologize for it being in here, and I want to say that I was not the one who wrote it in here. If there are anymore parts that in any way are insensitive, please notify me. I wasn't supposed to edit chapters that were written before I took over, but I can't ignore things like that. I will not say the line I changed because, no. It's something I don't want to repeat. I love you guys and thank you for your understanding! The sequel I did write so rest assured no insensitive comments made by me are present in it. 💙💚💛💖)

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