The battle Begins

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(My pov)
Just then you began to shake and your whole body began to envelope in black ice. "NO....what did you do?!" Jack said falling to his knees. "When I took a strand of her hair and broke it a look a piece of you out of her that will totally erase the memory of you if not stopped soon!" He barked. "You will die for this Pitch!" Jack lunged 20ft in the air and plumited down towards Pitch with the end of his staff aiming straight for his heart.

Pitch quickly moved to the shadows then behind Jack when he landed with a thump on the ground. "No I won't die Jack," Pitch cooed in his ear. "But she will!" He said hiding in the shadows again pointing to you shivering uncontrollably. Your Larkin began to turn the color of dying ice in the sun. Seeing you in this state made Jack's icy heart crack. "PITCH!" Jack spun around and shot ice harshly at the shadowy figure in the dark. "Uh uh uh! Don't do that it'll only make things worse!" Pitch said in a low menacing voice.

"Oh when I get my hands on you I'll-," "You'll what?" Pitch interrupted, "You'll give me a brain freeze? HAHAHAHA seriously Jack! You think you can win without killing her! Please! Your no better than I if you think so!" Jack knew Pitch was playing one of his mind tricks games to make him go insane. "Not gonna happen Pitch SHES MINE!" Jack threw an ice ball at Pitch hitting his arm.

"Come one Jack if you truly love her you can do so much better!" Pitch then noticed your body almost completely frozen. "She's pretty sexy when she's on ice Huh?" Pitch said. "YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!" Jack then jumped in the air and spun in circles then landed right behind Pitch choking him with his staff. "Don't ever touch her or I will execute you where you stand is that clear or do I need to beat it into you! Now tell me how to help her!"

"O don't be such a party know me better you have to play my games for you to win her back!" Pitch snarled. "NO! Tell me now!" Jack screamed. "Now now Jack," Pitch sang. "You know I can't do that unless you want her to die I suggest you play my game!" Jack looked over at you. He saw the terror in your eyes as the ice completely covered your legs and hips slowly heading upwards. "Fine," Jack whimpered. "What was that speak a little louder!" Pitch said leaning his left ear towards Jack. "FINE!" Hearing the anger in Jack's voice made even Pitch himself jump. "Good now figure this riddle out!"

"Tell me the riddle!" Jack threw his hands in the air impatient at Pitch taking his time.
"Ok Look at her,
look at you,
can you tell the difference between the two?
she is growing cold with death knocking at the door
while you are growing warmly alive crawling on the floor
what is the answer to being so bold?
no one will ever know
b/c the only thing is
it's hard to unfold!"

Pitch said smirking widely at the confused Jack standing before him. Jack paced back and forth trying to figure out the words Pitch just spoke. "What is that suppose to mean?" Jack said holding his temples. "Times running out its almost sunset!" Pitch said pointing towards the sun. Just then the snowmen that worked for North jumped on Pitch while North put cuffs on him. "It's time for ju to be locked up for de rest of de night Pitch don't ju tink!" North said carrying him into the Jail house trap door underneath the snow.

"I got it!" Jack said running towards you laying down on a blanket in the snow. "(Name), (name) wake up sweetie please wake up!" Jack said watching your body still with ice. He picked you up bridal style and flew to your room. Laying you on the bed he wrapped you in blankets. It wasn't working you were still being enveloped in ice. He gradually climbed in the covers with you and snuggled close to you.

"Please baby wake up!" He said pressing you against his chest. Jack laid there holding you it would work even though he was cold and lifeless himself without you. Trying to hold back his tears he leaned down and kissed you on the lips. Even though you were in a coma he felt you start to kiss back. Instead of giving up he just kissed harder and even more passionate. Feeling your lips move with his he opened his eyes to see your glistening with excitement as you wrapped your arms around his neck.

"Your here I thought you were gone?" You said tearing up. "I never left your side of your heart!" He said poking your heart and kissing you more.

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