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(My pov)
Right then and there Jack's eyes grew red with hate and revenge. He set you (name) down gently letting her arms fall behind her while her body took the shape of the bed and laid still. Grabbing his staff he headed for the devil known as Pitch. With his eyes flashing from black to red with even thinking about turning back to his normal eye color began to full with evil. An evil not even Jack knew he had in him. Something had snapped inside him when Pitch hurt (name). "I swear (name) I will avenge you even if it means I die for you....I will make sure he pays for harming my love!" The frost on Jack's body turned red bursting into black flames. "Your gonna pay for this Pitch!"

Jack headed for the door making everything in front of him stain with what looked like the black tears of a banshee. "Jack?" North saw Jack walk put with black shadows following him not to far behind. "Jack!" Tooth flew next to him and laid a gentle hand on him only making Jack turn and hiss in her direction. "Go away!" He said making a black ice form around him covering his whole surroundings. As soon as he was outside, the whole snow blanket covering the soggy bare ground burst into flames making all who see it weak and confused. "PITCH I CHALLENGE YOU TO A BATTLE TO THE DEATH!" Jack's voice echoed throughout the pole. The sound waves of his voice made the flowers that once grew wither, the tree who once stood tall with pride fell over in shame.

"And why exactly would you wanna do that?" Pitch said letting his voice coo in Jack's head like a mental patients suicide thoughts. "Pitch!" Jack's voice grew possessed as the slender figure approached him. "Come any father and I'll slit your throat!" He threatened without a single hint of lie. "Now now Jack I though we were buddies....you, me, and (name) could rule the world together hand in hand!" Pitch threw his hands up making his point hen continued, "Hell we can even share her! You have her one night and I-," "YOU STOP RIGHT THERE!" Jack yelled half done with his point. "She is not some toy for you and I too share....SHES A PERSON NOT YOUR NIGHTCAP!" Jack threw red ice at Pitch. "HA!" Pitch said dodging it. "Her soft (s/c) skin brushing against mine and her (h/l) (h/c) hair flowing!" Pitch licked his lips imagining (name). "That's enough!" Jack lunged at him but fell to the ground as the shadow moved away from his fury laughing like a maniac.

"You son of a......," before he could finish his sentence something fimiliar filled his ears. "Jack?" A soft raspy voice came from behind him. "(Name)?" Jack turned around only to see (name) be lifted off her feet and fly in the air with Pitch holding her. "(NAME)!" Jack yelled tearing up at what might happen. "Jack," (name) said softly and weary as the last bit of breath departed from her body. Falling unconscious in Pitch's arms (name) reached a shaky hand out towards Jack. "Help," she said before her eyes closed and filled with blackness.

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