Why did you Hurt me

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Listen to the song Again by Flyleaf

"Why? Why would you ever say such things to me?" Jack looked in your eyes. "Because you said I was a monster and now you must feel how I feel," he said. You weren't angered by his statement. You weren't happy about it either, but for some reason you felt relief.

"Now I get to have you for all eternity with no exceptions! Understand?!" He asked while starting lovingly into your eyes. Speechless, you nodded vigorously smiling like an old goof. "Well, good! Either way I was giving you no choice!"

"How am I going to get used to being cold as ice, quite literally I might add,". You semi-laughed at this only because, it scared you. Not only because you could never be normal again, but because your family would never accept you.

'Well my mom might, so it's not all bad!' You thought trying to lighten your mood. " I can hear for thoughts (y/n), and I want to tell you I'm here no matter what! " he held you tighter squeezing the everlasting breathe out of you.

All of the sudden you felt wet cold tears forming in your eyes. It felt as if pure walls of sorrow and devastation were pouring into your soul. Nothing but drops of hatred, pain, and evil was evacuating from the bottomless cold pit.

All was quite. All was calm. Except for the blood bath war occurring between both light and darkness over your body. They were trying to consider whether to hate or love this so called jack for what he had bestowed upon.

All in all it was hell in a can going on in your mind. Eventually one side one.

"Babe are you okay?" Jack snapped you back to reality in an instant. You looked up at Jack slowly causing him to gap at you suspiciously.
"(Y/n)?". When your eyes met his, he went wide eyed. " Oh my God!"

A Winter Night (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now