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"I'm a specialised agent for this case, handling in only tracking down Sim Jaeyun himself, and taking down his entire clan." I continued, they looked up at me, tears streaming down their face, but there was a glint of hope in there somewhere.

I couldn't help but feel like the shittiest person ever, damn, this really sucked.

"But in order for me to be able to do this, I need your help." I added, giving a sigh. This surely felt wrong.

"How? What can we do? And where can we find Yunjae?" Emi sobbed, wiping her eyes as her sister rubbed her back slowly.

"Yunjae is currently under investigation with our autopsy team, they will come in contact with you, when they're finished with him. And as for your help, I need to know - was Yunjae ever hanging around any specific individuals, anybody he mentioned, a name? A detail in appearance, a place? Anywhere." I cleared my throat, feeling like an asshole, but this was my job.

The two thought for a while, and I begged mentally - for at least something to come out of their lips that would help me with this.

"Well, he rarely would come visit us, he never told us where he lived because he always moved. I recall he once said that he hated his 'annoying ass blonde boss'. But what he worked as, I have not a clue." Yunah explained, and I raised a brow.

Okay, so he was blonde, and certainly, had many workers under him - Yunjae being one.

"Anything else you can recall? It could literally be anything, something like that could help us identify a clue." I insisted again, the two were thinking hard, and Emi suddenly scrolled on her phone.

She slid it across the table, and I picked it up, showing a conversation with her and Yunjae a few weeks ago.

yj: *yunjae has shared his live location with you!*

emi: where the hell are you wtf

emi: dude are you good

yj: dont text just wait

I furrowed my brows, clicking on the last live location he shared, and it pinned at a random address, somewhere surrounded by bushes, out from the center of Seoul, and quite a range from where we were.

I noted down the coordinates, the nearby roads and took a picture of Emi's phone, showing the location Yunjae randomly shared.

I handed her phone back.

"Did he ever tell you what he was there for?" I asked, feeling hopeful about these new leads that might bring us closer to the culprits.

Emi shook her head, still wiping her eyes.

"I thought it was weird at first, but Yunjae was always random, going to the most obscure places to chill with his friends, so I just thought he was being safe and giving me his location just incase, I didn't know it was part of this whole thing." Her voice shook, and I nodded my head understandingly.

"My last question, and I'll leave you alone - did Yunjae ever mention anything more about his 'blonde' boss, or any of his colleagues?" I inquired, particularly interested in the blonde boss of his.

It's not a regular thing you see a man with a callous mafia gang, have Blonde hair, he'd stick out so easily.

The two shrugged, sniffling and still thinking as hard as they possibly could.

"I don't know, I know he hated his jobs and his higher ups. He always talked about how the people acted so entitled, and how he was going to quit sometime soon." Yunah explained, and I gave another low sigh, looking down.

That must've been how he met his demise.

I stood up, bowing deeply and sincerely at the two girls.

"I would like to add before I leave, you may be under protection by the authorities sometime soon, so please don't be alarmed." I concluded it at that, "Thank you for all your help, and I hope you find your peace."

The two gave me a light smile, amidst teary eyes, and waved me goodbye as I left their house.

Damn, I felt like a true asshole throughout that entire thing, just questioning more about their dead brother while they were crying.

But at least I have two pieces of information.

He's a blonde guy, and the place where they might reside from time to time, could get me more details on their underdogs.

I looked around before heading into my car, ensuring that no suspicious vans or people were hanging around me, and coming to the conclusion that I was safe, I hopped into my car and drove off.

Blonde boy, I will certainly get you.

sim.jaeyun → agent 003Where stories live. Discover now