Chapter 14: After Match

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[Y/n's PoV]

The sound of the gunshot echoed in the small room as their leader's cocky demeanor crumbled instantly. His eyes widened as he looked at the bullet lodged in the wall behind him that was mere inches from his head.

A bead of sweat formed on his forehead as fear crept into his expression. He knew he had underestimated his opponent badly. He then tried to glance at his men and saw them frozen in place.

"What... what are you?" he managed to choke out.

I only lowered my weapon before responding to his question.

"What am I..? I don't really know. And it's irrelevant to discuss something like that."


The IPC team soon arrived that was led by Aventurine and Jade as the tension in the room immediately dissipated. Aventurine took charge, stepping forward as the captured man and his incapacitated men were apprehended and led away by the IPC soldiers after releasing them from the shadows.

Aventurine and Numby approached Topaz first. He spoke a few taunts at his colleague all the while looking for any injuries.

Jade, on the other hand, approached me calmly yet her eyes showed different kinds of emotions.

"That was reckless," she said and shook her head. "Perhaps I didn't made myself clear earlier— I only told you to look for that trotter to track Topaz's whereabouts— not to engage with a twisted game with their leader."

"Sorry..." I whispered quietly.

Aventurine, who had finished checking Topaz, chimed in as he approached.

"What's with this 'sorry' attitude?" Aventurine asked sarcastically.

"You single-handedly resolved a complicated situation all by yourself, and you're apologizing for it? That was quite a risk you took, and I must say I'm impressed." he remarked in admiration.

"And senior, come on, give her some credit here instead of scolding her. Numby guided us after we were near the area, but she was the one who led us by exposing their location through the comms earlier when he was talking with their leader. Normally though, you wouldn't show that much of a concern to any of us which made this kind of evening an eventful occasion."

Jade merely rolled her eyes as Topaz thanked me. She was the first to notice her senior's change of demeanor and gently push Aventurine and the remaining IPC soldiers outside to let me and Jade talk privately. Once they all left, the silence between us grew heavy until she broke it first with a sigh.

"What you did back there was really foolish. Running into danger without considering the consequences."

She walked towards me which made me close my eyes and braced myself for whatever might come. However, to my surprise, instead of punishment, I felt her arms enveloping me in a tight hug.

"Don't ever scare me like that again, my little bunny." she whispered quietly.

I merely stayed silent for a moment as our eyes locked soon after.

"I thought... it was still my duty as your bodyguard to do something like that..."

She sighed once more as she cupped my cheeks with her hand.

"You're my personal aide now, my own responsibility. It's not just about fulfilling duties. You're important to me such as the cornerstone itself. Never forget that." She muttered and continued to study my face.

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