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Marjorie starts driving. At first, she considers taking Reece back to hers, but then she thinks he'll be more comfortable in his own house. It's very 'man's bachelor pad' in decoration as he bought it after he'd split up with Mia to take the job at the nursery, but Marjorie didn't mind as it was definitely very Reece. Even though she was shocked upon seeing the size of it and all of the expensive furniture and gadgets when she first went round, everything just screamed Reece, so it made her feel very safe and content.
She parked Reeces car on his drive, and they got out and walked into the house together. Marjorie told Reece to go in the lounge and sit down while she made him a coffee. She felt she could do with something stronger than that but thought it was far too early, so she settled for fighting with his expensive, state of the art coffee machine she was convinced hated her. After she finished battling with it in order to make the drinks, she walked back in and sat next to him on the sofa, handing him his coffee.
"Reece, I know you aren't one to talk and open up, but I do think it would help. I'm not going to make you, but I'm here to listen if you do decide to talk." She rested her head on his shoulder and wrapped her arm around his chest just sitting there with him in silence. She didn't want to keep talking and make him feel nagged. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in as close as he could. He never wanted to let go of her in this moment. Eventually, after a few hours of comfortable silence had passed, the two of them watching movies and just being together, he finally decided to break the silence. "Marjorie, I don't know what to do. I've already failed to protect Autumn, and now today, the look on her face told me I've failed Carly too. It's only a matter of time before I do the same to you as well, and I don't know if I could live with myself if I was the reason YOU had that look in your eyes."
"Reece, you haven't failed anyone. You did everything you could for Autumn, more than a lot of brothers probably would have. Including putting yourself in harms way to protect her. Your dad was the one who failed the both of you. And as for Carly, she watched a man she really cares about and who has done so much for her get violent and then fall apart. We all knew about the Piranha nickname and what happened with Kenny, but none of us had seen it with our own eyes until today, but you absolutely did the right thing. If you hadn't done that, who knows what he would have done after he hit her, but I doubt it would have been called an ambulance and do cpr. Carlys also only seen the side of you that's stoic and is really good at helping her with her problems. Now she knows the reason you're so good at helping her is because you've had to overcome so much to get where you are. You two are more alike than you think. Char just texted and said that what Carly feels worst about is  that she didn't notice you had all this going on in the background when you noticed everything about her. She's upset because she thinks she failed you, not because you let her down. Two peas in a pod I'd say. As for me, Reece, I love you for the person you have become even with all the crap in your past. Yea, it would be nice if you felt you could really let your guard down with me, but I completely understand why you don't feel you can yet. I think you're worth waiting for. The only way you could hurt or fail me, Reece, is if you stop being you..." She laid a tender kiss on his lips as she finished her sentence. When she pulled away, she smirked and said, "Or if you cheat on me, but we both know I'm too phenomenal, where is counts for you to do that." She added a wink at the end, which made him smile and laugh. "Marjorie, I would have to be the world's biggest moron to do that. Besides, why would I need to cheat? I've got the most incredible, kind, loving, generous, and gorgeous woman in the entire world." He punctuated each word of the last sentence with a gentle kiss on Marjories lips. "I'm not about to trade down, and it's not possible to trade up on perfection."
"Wow, such a charmer when you want to be." She teased. "Is this what your therapy sessions with Charlotte does?" As she leant in to plant another kiss on his lips, they were interrupted by a knock at the door. Reece let out a low, annoyed growl as Marjorie got up and left him to answer the door, which made Marjorie smile to herself about the fact this gorgeous man wanted her and just her that much. She had a bit of a track record for dating arseholes who treated her really badly. She couldn't quite believe there was this incredible, tall, blonde adonis that worshipped the ground she walked on and would do anything for her.

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