Visiting Sorscha

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They passed a quiet afternoon until Marjorie said they had better set off to go to see Sorscha, Clodagh, and Quinn. Reece passed Marjorie the food as he got in to drive over to theirs.

Sorscha opened the front door, looking flustered. Quinn was fussing in her arms, refusing to settle, and she was stressing because Clodagh was trying to nap, and she couldn't get Quinn to be quiet. Marjorie headed straight to the kitchen with the shepherd's pie and got Sorscha a cold drink as she looked like she desperately needed it while Reece said, "May I?" Before scooping Quinn out of Sorschas arms into his own. The second her cheek touched his and he started bouncing her gently where he stood she went quiet.

Sorscha looked on shocked. "How did you manage that?"

"This may shock you, but I do know what I'm doing with kids." He laughed. "Sometimes it just takes something different. Like if you're worried about Quinn keeping Clodagh awake or if she's safe, she'll pick up on it, that's all. It can't be helped. I know I'd be the same if it was my baby." He put his free arm around Sorscha and pulled her in for a hug. "You're doing great. Don't think you're not for a second. There's no guidebook for this it's all trial and error, and you are going to stress, and you are going to worry. There's this perfect little life that is relying on you completely. I'd be more concerned if you weren't panicking."

"Thanks, Reece. I don't know what I expected you to be like in this moment, but this was not it. Did I see Marjorie bring food?"

"Yea, you did. It's only a shepherd's pie. It was a bit of a last-minute thing this morning."

"If it's half as good as your casserole, I can't wait to eat that."

Marjorie cleared her throat behind them where she'd been stood watching their exchange with a smile on her face.

"Right then, Quinn, we're going to go and have fun in the other room while your mummy and auntie Marjorie have a chat." He kissed Marjorie as he walked past her and left them in the lounge while he went out to the dining room to keep Quinn occupied.

"Marjorie, I don't know if this is appropriate to say or not, but how the hell did that man come from Roger? Like how was that his male role model growing up?"

"Honestly, I do not know. I think he may have taken Roger as a model of what not to be rather than anything else. Between that exchange and what Carly said the other night, though, I need to make a husband of that man sooner rather than later."

"Carly? What happened with Carly?"

"Oh, a dad went into the room while she was eating a bar of chocolate and made a comment about how if she carries on, she'll put a load of weight on."

"Are you fecking kidding me?!?!?"

"Nope, don't worry, I heard him and tore him a new one as he left the room. Anyway, I went in to check on Carly, expecting her to have binned the rest of the bar and be upset but she was not only fine but she'd eaten the rest of the bar as well. Apparently, Reece is always telling her never to let a man make her feel bad about her body, so his comments just washed right over her."

"OK, I know yous are already engaged, but Marjorie, you need to lock that man down. He sounds like a keeper."

Marjorie laughed. "Oh, I know. Anyway, my love, what did you want to talk about?"

"To be honest, Marjorie, I think I just wanted another grown-up to talk to and to have a tiny conversation about something not baby related. That and the last time you came round was the first actual sleep I'd got since Quinn was born, so I think part of me was hoping for that again."

"Oh well, that's fine. Why don't you go upstairs to Clodagh and try and have a proper sleep. Me and Reece have got Quinn, and I think you've seen she's definitely happy enough with him."

At that moment, Reece walked into the room. "Sorry ladies, but someone needs changing." Sorscha got straight up, ready to take Quinn off of Reece.

"Pass her here, Reece. I'll go sort it."

"Sorscha, I'm happy to change her, I just need to know where everything is."

"Oh, I thought... never mind. It's probably easiest to do it in her room. Everything's easy access."

"Sorscha, you can show Reece where her room is on your way up to bed. We've got this, go spend time with Clodagh and have a rest."

Sorscha showed Reece to Quinns nursery before leaving him to it. She popped her head back round the door briefly to say, "Her next feed isn't for another hour, so one of us will be awake by then. There's no way we'll get that much sleep."

When Reece came back downstairs, he found that Marjorie had already put a wash on for the couple and was now standing doing their dishes. He set a timer on his phone for just under an hours time, just in case. They sat back in the lounge with Quinn just playing with her and making each other laugh. It felt like they had only been there 10 minutes when Reeces phone alarm when off signalling it was time for Quinn to eat. They didn't bother disturbing Clodagh or Sorscha. There were bottles expressed in the fridge ready measured so they heated one up and as the washing Marjorie had put in had also just finished, Reece took Quinn for her feed while Marjorie sorted out the washing and put the clean dishes away. While this was going on, Sorscha and Clodagh woke up at the same time in a panic that they had missed their babies' bottle time. They both ran downstairs in a panic, bumping into Marjorie, who shushed them and told them not to worry. She led them to the doorway of the lounge. Reece had his back to them in the chair, giving Quinn her bottle and talking to her the whole time. The three women stood there listening to what the blonde was saying. Him completely unaware of their presence.

"You're so lucky you know. You've got 2 mummies that will do anything for you. Give you everything you could ever dream of and love you unconditionally. I never had one parent like that, and I don't think I turned out too bad in the long run. It took a while to get here, though, but you've got such a head start. That's before you even get to your nursery family. I probably don't really count, I'm along for the ride because your auntie Marjorie is the love of my life but god help anyone that ever crosses you and auntie Marj feels she needs to go all mumma bear to protect you, they will definitely come off worse, trust me. Then you've got Char, she's amazing, you'll love her. You'll never find someone with a kinder heart than her. She's with Mia, the mean redhead, but I've known her for years, and she does have a good side. She just knows how to hide it really well. Maybe don't tell Marjorie I said that. She might kill me for it. Carly will be like a big sister. She's really excitable but will do anything for you. Then you've got Autumn and Winter. You're named after Autumn, and she is one of the strongest women I've ever had the pleasure to have in my life. I'm so proud of her. She'll protect you to the ends of the earth. She's not called the gaurd dog for nothing, you know. Winter's the same. He'll protect you with his words rather than his fists, though. Just one small thing. Never eat auntie Marjories cooking. Not if you value your life." During this whole time she'd finished her bottle, he'd burped her, and she'd started falling asleep on his chest.

Clodagh looked from Sorscha to Marjorie. "OK, I know I only met him once, on a bad day, and he'd just punched his dad in the face, but this was not what I expected to wake up to from him."

Sorscha put her arm around her wife. "I know, I've been as surprised by him as you today. But our baby girl not only has a gaurd dog and mumma bear Marjorie looking after her, I'd say she has a piranha too. And one that made shepherd's pie as well."

"If that's half as good as the casserole, for God's sake, Marjorie, do not let that man go." Clodagh laughed. "Even if it's just to keep us fed."

Marjorie laughed. "Well, I think it's safe to say you two can go back to bed for a bit, take a nice long bath, go for a walk whatever you want. He won't move until she does now."

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