Reece & Autumn Pt 2.

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Reece laughed at Autumn's last comment. She wasn't wrong about him needing to be able to get a word in with Marjorie to be able to ask her to marry him.
"Can I see the ring? I'm assuming you've already bought one as it sounds like you've been thinking about asking her for a while." Autumn asked.
"Yes, I've got one, but you can't see it right now. It's hidden in my car, less chance for Marjorie to stumble across it."
"You do realise she's out in your car, alone, as we speak?"
"I know, but she won't need to go hunting around in there. She's only gone out quickly to pick up food."
Just as they were finishing this conversation, Marjorie walked back through the door.
She'd been sitting out in the car on the drive for what felt like hours, but was in reality about 20 mins, trying to compose herself after discovering the ring in Reeces' glove compartment. "Right, Marjorie, don't get carried away. It's not necessarily for you." She said to herself. "It could be years old. Maybe he'd bought it for Mia and has now forgotten about it. Maybe it is for you, and he's having second thoughts. Well, he definitely will if he thinks you've been going through his things. What if it's not even his. What if Winters' given it to him to hide from Autumn and Winter's the one about to pop the question. Yea, that makes the most sense. Right, Marjorie, you're just going to pretend you haven't seen it and carry on as normal."
She walked into the sound of the siblings laughing. Her heart soared hearing that. Not only did it mean their bond was well and truly back on track after 20 years of estrangement, but it also meant that Reece was feeling slightly better after the events of earlier today.
"Well, you two sound like you're having fun." Marjorie said as she walked towards Reece. "I've got bad news though, I forgot my bag and my phone is dead so I couldn't actually get any food." She finally reached him and bent down to give him a kiss.
"That's OK, I can think of something else I'd much rather eat." Reece said, a smirk spreading across his lips as he grabbed hold of his love and pulled her onto his lap for another kiss.
"REECE!" Marjorie exclaimed, playfully hitting him on the arm. As she looked away from him, she spotted the look that said a murder was about to take place on Autumn's face.
"You two are disgusting. Can't you just get a room?"
Reece looked over at his sister, "Aut, this is my house. Arguably, it's just one big room for us to make the most of."
She pulled a disgusted face and said, "I'd rather not have the list of rooms in this house you've sullied. Thank you very much."
"Don't worry, you won't have to. It's much quicker to say which ones haven't been. I think it's an empty list." Reece replied, laughing. His sister is now really looking like she was about to commit homicide.
Marjorie stepped in at this point, "Right, that's enough, you two. Reece, stop grossing out your sister and Autumn, I don't think you and Winter can take the higher ground here, miss 'I do it in a nursery 10 feet from my own dad."
"Marjorie, we agreed you wouldn't mention that again if I overlooked your phoning in sick because you couldn't walk after your weekend of back to back 'workouts' as you called them."
Reece burst out laughing at this point, Marjorie looked terrified that Autumn was going to get violent.
"I'm going home. You'd better not phone in sick tomorrow, Marjorie. Big brother."
Reece just managed to get a "Bye Aut" out in between laughter.
As they heard the front door close and Autumn's car started, Marjorie stopped holding in her laughter. Still sat on Reeces lap, the two of them couldn't control their giggles after the last conversation with Autumn. Marjorie wrapped her arms around Reeces' neck while he wrapped his around her waist, pulling her body in as close as he could before lowering one hand to her bum and again drawing her lips to his.
As they pulled away for a split second to catch their breath, Reece placed one hand on her cheek and gently ran his thumb over her bottom lip before leaning in for a kiss again. Marjorie let out a subtle whimper at his touch. Their lips separated again, although their foreheads were still connected. "Marjorie, I love you. I don't know what I'd do without you."
"Good job you'll never have to find out, then isn't?" She whispered back. "I love you too. Although I don't want to spoil this moment, we will need to go for some actual food soon."
"I'll cook, I'm sure I've got everything we need for carbonara. I know it's basic, but it's something." He gently tapped her thigh as a signal for her to stand up so he could get up and go to the kitchen.
"Do you want a hand?" She asked.
"No need to help, but you can come and keep me company if you want."
They went to the kitchen, and Marjorie sat down at the giant island in the middle of it, watching as Reece got everything he needed for dinner. Within 20 minutes, he placed a bowl of pasta in front of her. As they sat and ate, just enjoying easy conversation to the point Reeces mind didn't even drift to how much he was or wasn't eating, his resolve hardened. Today wasn't the day after everything that had happened this morning, but he decided right then and there he was going to ask this woman to be his wife, and he was going to ask soon.

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