8. On Origins

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Despite being the only alien in the history of earth to arrive on the planet–as far as she knew at least–Rory did not feel special enough to meet the president

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Despite being the only alien in the history of earth to arrive on the planet–as far as she knew at least–Rory did not feel special enough to meet the president.

Bizarre, honestly. What did the president of some foreign country in an unknown world matter to her?

It could have been her picking up on Theo's nerves. He hadn't been allowed into the room where the video call would take place. In fact, General Price was the only one to join her. But Theo had been buzzing with excitement and worry this morning when he stopped by to take a thirty minute EEG recording. Just business as usual. He'd been thrilled about the opportunity to see how her brain waves looked when she was faced with a new situation of such great importance.

As Rory clasped her hands tightly together under the table, her body felt far away and out of reach, even as she could feel her own skin against the tips of her fingers.

"Several more generals and advisors will meet with us shortly." General Price turned his head to look at her fully. "No matter what happens, you must tell them that you're going to deny Dr. Johanson's allegations in the interview."

"I already–"

"You're going to tell them that, Rory. You're going to be convincing."

The tone of his voice chilled her. "What happens when they find out I'm lying?"

"The president takes care of those who put this country first. I told him I believed you wanted to do that. While we're talking, if he says that the United States owes you a debt of gratitude for your willing participation in our studies, then it means you have his approval."

Her heart slowed. "To do what?"

"To do what you know is right. What you want to do." General Price leaned in, lips barely moving, as if he was afraid someone might read them. "Tell the truth." He leaned back, voice gravelly. "And tell no one beforehand, or you won't live long enough to make it to the interview."

"Who would get to me if you and the president are on my side?"

"There's always someone to get to you."

"What will they do after?" They could have been sacrificing her. Use her to tell the world a truth no one was ready to hear and then get rid of the problem when they were done with her. Except that they needed more answers from Rory. Letting her die wouldn't make sense. "They can't kill me after."

The slightest hint of a smile tugged his lips.

"It'll confirm my story," she said. "The conspiracy theories will be unmanageable and there will be even more panic because the world will have lost all answers with my death."

"Just watch what you say today."

"If the president doesn't give the message will he allow me to give the interview?"

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