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Knives of pain skittered down Rory's leg frequently while a deep ache wrapped around her thigh like a band

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Knives of pain skittered down Rory's leg frequently while a deep ache wrapped around her thigh like a band. It had been two days since the shooting, but it felt like weeks.

"I still don't remember anything else." Rory ran through the memory again, savoring every morsel. It was the only thing she had actually remembered since coming to in the desert. "It's just these quick flashes. There was a gash in my leg and someone was using a swab to apply this thick substance to the wound. I remember them closing it up and I just keep thinking paste. I think it's what we called it."

Theo tilted his head. "Maybe it's kind of like when doctors glue wounds closed?"

"It feels different. Much more advanced."

"It is interesting you don't have any scars. Everyone has a scar somewhere. Your medicine may be much better than ours."

Rory glanced down her body. "No scars, no tattoos, no blemishes of any kind." She smiled humorlessly. "Until now."

Theo lowered his head some.

"It's okay. I got a memory out of it. Maybe if someone shoots me again I'll get another."

There was no sign of a smile on his face.

"Nothing?" Rory asked dryly. "Really?"

"If I got shot, you wouldn't be smiling either."

Rory sighed and let her head fall back. "Yeah."

A knock sounded on the door and Theo rose as General Price entered.

"Rory." Price smiled and lifted a bouquet of flowers. "I'm sorry I couldn't visit sooner. How are you feeling?"

She couldn't help but smile at the uncomfortable but genuine worry in his voice. "I'm okay. Thanks for the flowers."

"Mind if I sit?"

"Go ahead."

Theo pulled a chair close for him. "Did you find anything else out?" he asked.

"Well, we've read through some messages. I can't say too much while the investigation in ongoing. But she knew your habits, Rory." General Price spoke softly, much more softly than normal. "We've found messages with the group that had targeted her where she described your habits, like when you tend to walk your dog. This is something she's been planning for a few weeks."

A dark film of sand speckled the window outside where the wind blew viciously today. "She seemed like a sweet lady," Rory said.

Price crossed his arms over his chest. "It looks like she was targeted because of living here on the base. Others likely were too. The investigation is ongoing. I promise we will find those responsible."

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