32. Captured (Part 2)

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Year -19 (L.D.)

They'd taken each captive in separate vehicles and departed in different directions

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They'd taken each captive in separate vehicles and departed in different directions. Aeryn caught one glimpse of the outside world before they tied the blindfold over her eyes. They were in the countryside. A very flat countryside with hot, humid air.

No one spoke to her as they drove for hours. She traveled with a driver and four soldiers. And she thought of every way she could possibly kill them.

Which wasn't very many because she couldn't even try biting their jugulars with this damn gag. Couldn't reach the windows to break the glass. Couldn't really move.

And she was fucking thirsty. The dehydration drained her energy and slowed her thoughts, reminding her of when the drug had been leaving her system.

Her cracked lips stung. Her throat screamed with pain. Each breath hurt.

At least half a day had passed like this when they pulled to a stop and lifted Aeryn off the seat. She couldn't resist trying to fight, even though she knew she wouldn't manage to break free.

Aeryn began counting the seconds once they entered the doorway. Noted the turn they took and the short steps they descended.

Arms dropped her and pain splintered through her side when she hit the ground hard. Someone ripped her blindfold free and finally undid her gag.

Aeryn coughed and tried to find an ounce of moisture in her mouth.

"Get her up."

Another English speaker with a perfect accent.

A man grabbed for her, but she tried to push herself up without him. Annoyed, he grunted and shoved her up against the wall. Aeryn jerked back, drawing her knees up.

Rebel soldiers filled the room. Seven she could see. But she heard more up the stairs.

The room looked like it had been stripped down. It smelled musty, like a basement.

"Give her water." One of the older men said it. His sharp stare remained on Aeryn.

Even though some of the soldiers grumbled, one of the men knelt down and brought water to her lips. Pain flared as it poured over her cracked lips and into her dry mouth. She drank desperately, welcoming the sting, straining for as much as she could get. When he drew back, Aeryn almost begged for another drink. But she wouldn't be pathetic. She wouldn't ask these people for anything.

The man who had spoken looked at a woman near him. "Take her to the bathroom before her bladder bursts."

The lack of water had helped with the issue of needing to pee, but Aeryn did ache from it. The one he'd spoken to and two more women hauled her to her feet.

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