40. Liberation Eve

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Jace hadn't been able to prepare himself properly for the transport

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Jace hadn't been able to prepare himself properly for the transport. Whereas Rory had been given a pod ten years ago, Vehru had said they didn't need the diversion of pretending like any equipment was required. Heat enveloped Jace on his planet as he waited for transport and then he was standing in an empty hallway when he'd expected a conference room with fellow soldiers.

That was when his heart had stopped beating in his chest.

Because there Aeryn stood, bathed in the light of an alien star, with her flaming hair curled about her chin, and her bronze eyes bright. Aeryn. His Aeryn.

This wasn't real. He blinked, disoriented, and certain something had gone terribly wrong during the transport. He was dreaming. Dying, maybe. Aeryn had come to say goodbye.

Another few seconds and his mind finally began to grasp that he was actually seeing her. He was afraid to accept it was real in case she would only be ripped away again, like when Vehru had given him the memory of the beach.

But then she said his name.

She remembered him. Desperation flooded her face when she took one step toward him, and another, and then ran to him, skidding to a stop once close as if she'd hit a wall.

Endlessly long day after day of missing her wrapped around his lungs and strangled him. Jace needed to touch her so badly that he couldn't move. He was frozen.

Tears sprinkled onto Aeryn's cheeks. Her fingers slid into his hair and she gasped.

"Say my name," she whispered.

His view of her blurred and he blinked away the tears, desperate to see her. Could he even speak? "Aeryn."

"It was the first thing I remembered about you. You were saying my name." She bit her lip. "Say it again."

He gazed at her face, wanting to memorize everything. "Aeryn," he whispered.

She settled her nose against his, lips close, and almost his. Almost, but not quite. "Jace."

It finally felt real. Jace had planned on saving her from this pain by avoiding her until he figured out what she'd been through this past decade, so he wouldn't make things harder on her. Here she was, though. Vehru had done this to him, but he was so consumed by Aeryn that he couldn't even feel the anger.

Jace told himself not to touch her, because it would only make it hurt more later, but his hands seemed to move on instinct–to grab what he'd lost and never let go this time. He wrapped his arms around her. "I tried to come for you. I swear I did."

She wilted against him and wept softly. "I know. I know you would never give up."

"How much do you remember?"

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