9. The Day the World Changed

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Rory's confession had derailed everything it possibly could–surprise

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Rory's confession had derailed everything it possibly could–surprise. Not. Her inconvenient conscience had gotten her into trouble.

Needing to speak with advisors, the President requested that they take a hiatus, and General Price immediately clasped Rory's arm, practically dragging her back to her room.

"What the hell," he growled.

"Everyone needs to know."

"What part of your life's in danger did you not understand?" he whispered, back turned to the camera.

Rory stalked to the window so she could face the opposite direction. Reluctantly, the general joined her as they both looked through the purple-painted window.

"No one is going to kill me. That wouldn't stop whoever's out there. If anything, it could anger them. It doesn't make sense to kill me."

"Some people would rather not take any chances. No one knows what you're capable of."

Her eyes slid closed. "What does it matter anyway? I was dead the moment I arrived here. At least you all know now."

"You should have told me privately."

Perhaps. Only, how was Rory supposed to be sure she could trust him? The more people who knew, the less likely they were to be able to hide things like this. "What happens now?"

"I don't know. You essentially announced yourself as a threat today."

"Guess I am one."

"Get yourself together." The general turned to face her, looking down at her. "You're stronger than this. I've seen your perseverance. Don't give up."

"I'm going to be locked up and experimented on for however long I live. I can't even say that's the worst thing either. It's worse losing my entire life. It's worse not even remembering what I've lost. It's just this emptiness in me that aches with no words and no comfort." Her nostrils flared. "But the absolute worst is knowing that no matter how all this goes down, I'll be the one who brought chaos to an entire planet." Her voice lowered. "I can withstand your torture. I can't withstand this."

Price said nothing as he looked at her a moment longer and then sighed deeply. "You don't know what the future holds. Today you managed to do one thing, regardless of the danger you brought on yourself. You earned the president's trust. He's a man who follows his gut, and I can see that his gut says you're no threat."

The president's trust. She rubbed her arms to stave off a chill.

She would have to see what that was worth.


"Look up. Yes. A little more."

Rory flinched at the eyeliner jabbing against the waterline of her eye. "Tell the general to add this to the enhanced interrogation protocol."

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