43. Liberation

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Liberation Day

The fists beating on the door jolted Rory and her boys from their sleep

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The fists beating on the door jolted Rory and her boys from their sleep. Benji launched from the couch in a full bark, while Chip ran circles on the floor, whimpering.

Rory had not been home for long when she fell asleep on the ground with a box of hand mods nearby. So much had happened that she could not process. She'd spent hours briefing General Price and other military officials on her most recent memories. Those that she was willing to share, at least. And then she'd worked on updating the training plan for the hand mods.

Fortunately, Vehru had not taken over any television networks yet, and the fake videos continued to only pop up online. But Rory didn't doubt she could and would target cable news when it suited her.

So, with the weight of the day and night before pressing down on her, Rory struggled to her feet at the commotion. Theo rushed in from the other room and together they opened the front door.

Uniformed officers met her on the other side, along with the Base Commander, General Lucien.

"It's urgent."

She nodded and they left immediately.

The familiar noise of jets rose from a hum to a piercing screech. Rory and Theo hopped in an SUV with the base commander and were quickly sped down the street.

"What's going on?" Rory peered out the window.

"Vehru." Lucien lifted his radio. "We have them secured. On our way. Out."

"What about Vehru?" Fear set a tremble in Rory's voice.

Lucien looked at her, frightened, and serious. "She's here."

Rory pulled the hand mods from her pocket and attached them. Theo stared at her.

Lucien looked in the rearview mirror. "Are those–"

"Yes. Are you going to stop me from wearing them?"

"General Price gave you access. As long as you don't use them on us, no. I'm not stopping you."

"Good." Rory rolled down the window and listened.

"There's UAP activity," Lucien said. "It's been increasing all over the world, but we spotted a dozen nearby before losing them."

There was more he wasn't telling her. "Where else is it happening?"

When he didn't answer, she closed her eyes.

Theo wound his fingers with Rory's as he stared out the window. Normally the base was quiet at night. But it had come alive within minutes as they sped for the main entrance. Jets flew around the perimeter. Military vehicles flooded the streets. They passed a soldier instructing a mother Rory recognized to return to her home.

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