17. First Dates

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Year -20 (L.D.)

Aeryn squeezed her hands together beneath the table and looked up at her new squad

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Aeryn squeezed her hands together beneath the table and looked up at her new squad. Music played quietly in the background of the restaurant while other young soldiers met with their new people.

"This is like a weird first date." Nikka grinned next to her. "With five people."

"We need something stronger if we're on a date," Jace said and flicked his glass of 'soda'.

Here in the city, language became more confusing, as they were supposed to speak and think–yes, think–in English but were surrounded by normal people speaking the local language. Aeryn did not usually struggle with this but being surrounded by the language she'd grown up speaking, she caught herself having to remember to think in English. Perhaps, it was silly to force this upon herself whenever no one would actually know what language she thought in, but it felt wrong to her, like she was betraying her duty, to not follow this command.

"I guess I don't know how to get to know you people." Lyon chuckled. "I didn't know I was such an awkward person."

"There's plenty of time to get to know each other." Alix finished his drink and pushed the empty glass to the edge of the table. "I say we forget about that and just have fun. We'll figure each other out with time."

"There's some information we need before going into the field." Aeryn ignored Nikka's sigh, knowing her friend would think she was being too serious. "We need to be prepared."

It was harder to ignore the look Jace gave her–was it judgement? More teasing? He wanted to make fun of her for being so focused? Well, she'd gotten here by focusing.

Aeryn had to calm herself down. They all had worked hard to get here. Her way was not the best way. This wasn't a competition between them. They were family now. A weird, confusing, awkward family.

"I have your files stored already." Trin tapped her temple. "It'll take me ten minutes tops to get together an analysis on each person. Everyone can study it when we're alone."

What an incredible mind. Aeryn had not been able to work directly with many analysts. Thanks to the AI integration, Trin could create detailed reports rapidly and have them sent to their personal devices. Phenomenal.

"So this is what it's like to be in the presence of a genius." Jace stretched his arm along the back of the booth behind Trin's head and looked down at her beside him. Aeryn hadn't realized how short the other woman was until now. "I'm impressed. Now the rest of us never have to think again."

Trin rolled her eyes, the seriousness of her expression softening slightly as she looked up at Jace.

Aeryn's stomach felt tight with nerves. Something stronger wouldn't be too bad of an idea. "Guess we have to have fun then."

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