24. Don't Surrender

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Year -20 (L.D.)

After tireless training for months, Aeryn's squad took Commander Vehru's personal order for the three days off seriously

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After tireless training for months, Aeryn's squad took Commander Vehru's personal order for the three days off seriously. They combined money from their allowance, flew out to the coast, and rented a small cabin by the beach. On their first day, they took a boat out on the water and eventually stopped to swim. Together they waded in the crystal clear water. It was still too cold this time of year, but the full body suits kept them warm enough that Aeryn managed to forget.

The water washed away Aeryn's stress.

"I'm telling you," Jace said. "I tried this once. Our flight mods actually work really well under water for short distances."

"I never considered this possibility." Nikka slapped her hands against the water in a yell. "Damn it, now I have to get the mod and dedicate my life to its mastery."

Aeryn chuckled.

"Hear me out." Her friend treaded closer to Jace. "The ultimate dolphin ride. You, me, your thrusters."

Jace hummed. "I like to at least get flowers before we get dirty like that."

They both burst out in laughter.

"I need no frills, Nikka." Alix winked. "Just so you know."

Nikka rolled her eyes. "I'm sure you don't. But you don't have a flight mod, so you're worthless to me." She grabbed Jace's shoulder. "Seriously, though. Please take me for a non-dirty ride. Like the least dirty ride of my life."

Jace snorted. "Fine. Non-dirty dolphin rides open for business." He turned his back to her.

"Really?" Nikka squealed like a kid and threw her arms around his neck, clasping her elbows. Her cheek pressed against his. It didn't seem like the thought to feel self-conscious had ever crossed Nikka's mind a day in her life. "I'm so scared and excited."

"This might be dangerous," Jace said. "I've never tried carrying someone around before."

"It's fine. I'll live. Fair warning that I'm latching on tight."

Jace tugged at the arms at his neck. "I noticed."

What if Nikka fell and broke her neck? Or they both fell and broke both their necks? Aeryn shook off the worry. They were adults. Very capable adults. No sense in worrying.

"Go!" Nikka screamed, already throwing her head back.

Jace shot his arms to the side and they careened forward out of control, skidding on top of the water. Nikka shrieked and laughed at the same time until the ocean swallowed them and her cries entirely.

"Shit." Lyon swam closer.

Jace emerged, followed a moment later by Nikka. They gasped for breath and caught one another, laughing.

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