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Hey Everyone!!

Here's the chapter

Enjoy reading


Avantika's Pov

"Even if you would have stabbed my heart, I would have taken it because everything that belonged to me is now yours, including my heart"

As I listened, time seemed to slow down, and the world melted away, leaving only him and me in this intimate moment. My lips parted involuntarily, my breath catching in my throat as he moved closer, his lips a mere centimeter from mine.

With trembling hands, I reached out and brushed against his cheek, feeling the warmth of his skin beneath my fingertips. My eyes fluttered shut, surrendering to the moment, anticipating our lips meeting in a passionate embrace.

But then, unexpectedly, his lips brushed against my forehead, a gentle caress that sent a surge of disappointment through me. Had I imagined it? Had I expected something more?

He straightened himself, and I opened my eyes, confusion and bewilderment etched on my face. A smirk played upon his lips as he raised an amused eyebrow. "Did you expect something else?"

My eyes widened, and I licked my lips, my heart pounding erratically. "N-No, it's nothing like that" I stammered.

He chuckled softly, the sound like music to my ears. I couldn't help but smile, a blush blossoming across my cheeks. Mentally, I berated myself for my foolish thoughts.

"You should take rest" he said, standing up. "I'll be just outside. Call me if you need anything"

But before he could move, I reached out and grasped his hand, my fingers intertwining with his. "Please don't go" I whispered,my voice barely audible.

He paused, his gaze softening as he looked at me "Are you sure?" he asked.

I nodded, my eyes pleading "I don't want to be alone" I admitted.

With a gentle smile, he pulled me close, his embrace enveloping me in warmth and comfort "I won't leave you, my dear" he whispered, his breath mingling with mine.

We sat in silence, Prithvi's hand never leaving mine. As I looked up at him, I noticed a flicker of emotion in his eyes while he looked at my face.

"Why are you looking at me like this?" I asked, my voice soft.

"Meri fiance h, jaise marzi dekhoon" Prithvi replied with a playful smile.

(She is my fiancé, I can see as I please)

I blushed and turned my face away, but my happiness was short-lived. As my gaze fell on my reflection in the mirror, a wave of self-consciousness washed over me. Bruises marred my face, my head was wrapped in a bandage, and my lips bore a cut. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked back at Prithvi, my eyes filled with unshed tears.

"I'm sorry" I said brokenly. "I must look terrible"

Prithvi reached out and gently lifted my chin "You are beautiful" he said, his voice filled with conviction "No matter what you look like, what I adore most is your soul which is still as pure as Goddess Laxmi" 

My heart skipped a beat as I heard his words. "I want to tell you about my past" I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

Prithvi shook his head. "There's no need, Avantika. It will not change my feelings for you"

"But I want to start our relationship on the basis of trust" I said, my voice resolute. "Please, let me take a step towards you"

Prithvi hesitated for a moment before nodding slightly "I am always here to listen to you"

"Everything started during college...." I started telling as he firmly held my hand providing me a sense of courage.


During college, after Yash and Karan began dating, I often found myself in their midst. As we progressed into our third year, Karan and Abhi graduated, leaving Yash and me behind.

After classes, it became customary for me to send Yash off with Karan, giving them space to nurture their relationship. I found myself alone in the library, seeking solace in books. It was during this time that I crossed paths with a group of six studious individuals.

Initially, their camaraderie seemed genuine. They immersed themselves in their studies with fervour, and I felt drawn to their shared passion. However, after a month of sitting with them, their behaviour began to shift. Their eyes grew bloodshot and puffy, their bodies emanated an unpleasant odour, and an inexplicable aggression seemed to grip one of them each day.

Their constant pleas for money under the guise of emergencies aroused my suspicions. I tried to distance myself, but the lure of their friendship proved too strong to resist.

Fate took a sinister turn when Ishika, a member of the group, asked me to accompany her. Fear gnawed at me as she led me to a desolate area full of drunkards, druggers and vulgarality. She ushered me into a room where Naman, surrounded by a group of menacing men, sat upon a couch.

"She will pay everything, now please give me" I overheard Ishika say to him.

Panic surged through me. "What are you saying, Ishika?" I demanded, retreating a few steps. "Why are you making me pay?"

Ishika's grip tightened on my hands. "Please, Avantika, you are my friend" she pleaded. "Give them money so that they can give me my medicine. I'll die without it"

The realisation struck me like a bolt from the blue. They were drug addicts. Ishika was trapped in a cycle of addiction, and the money I had given them in the past had only fueled their habit.

Through The Gateway Of Love: A Transformative Journey Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now