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Hey Everyone!!

Here's the chapter

Enjoy reading


Avantika's Pov

"And then we all fell" We laughed as we remembered how we all got hurt while trying to compete on bicycles and collided with each other.

Me, Omaya and Yash were in my room spending our quality like like we used to do before Yash's marriage.

Though we asked Vihaan and Ahaan to join but they told that Prithvi called them. I wondered the reason, I hope there's nothing bad.

Prithvi's Pov
I was sitting on the grass in the backyard waiting for everyone. I looked around, the mild cool breeze, the swaying leaves of plants, the sweet smell of wet mud, no wonder she finds peace here.


I snapped my head back and saw them coming. They all sat around me and looked at me with curiosity.

"Care to tell now" Karan asked and I nodded, straightening my posture "I was thinking about planning a celebration for Bde Papa and Seema Maa's 25th anniversary" she announced.

Ahaan and Vihaan's eyes widened with excitement "That's a great idea, Jiju" Ahaan exclaimed.

"Everyone needs something to cheer them up after all that's happened" I continued "This will remind them of the love and support that surrounds them"

"I agree" Karan said "Should I start booking a venue?"

Ahaan shook his head "We prefer to keep family functions small and intimate, so I think it would be best to host it here at home" he explained, a hint of nervousness in his voice.

I placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder "Let's keep it simple and meaningful" I said. "What do you boys think?"

Ahaan and Vihaan exchanged glances "Actually, this is something Avanti Di and Omi Di usually take the lead on" Vihaan replied "They know everyone's preferences better than we do"

Ahaan clapped his hands together "They're in Di's room right now. Let's go discuss it with them" he suggested.

We all stood up and went inside. The door of their room was closed. Vihaan was about to knock but suddenly we heard screams from inside "Aaahhh Arrroonnn!"

A chill ran down Vihaan's spine as he reached to knock, his knuckles trembling. We heard voice of Yashaswi Bhabhi, her words dripping with admiration.

"I swear this man..."

Karan's face turned a deep shade of crimson, his jealousy palpable. I stifled a smile, placing a sympathetic hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay" I murmured, my voice laced with amusement.

"I am going to tell my future boyfriends to take notes from him" Omaya declared.

Vihaan muttered under his breath "Thank god, that guy is not her boyfriend"

"Who?" I inquired, narrowing my gaze.

"There's one who sometimes drops her home, and Omi di's mood is always terrible after" he explained.

Avantika's voice cut through the conversation "I need this man. How can I not get a crush over him? Oh god! Aron!"

A surge of anger and jealousy washed over me as her words filled the room. They laid their hands on my shoulders in false sympathy.

"It's okay" they consoled.

"Who the fuck is this Aron?" I gritted my teeth through clenched fists.

Ahaan stepped forward, his eyes fixed on the closed door "Avanti di's book crush" he announced, his words like a dagger piercing my heart.

Through The Gateway Of Love: A Transformative Journey Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now