Chapter 5

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The day arrived, I would disobeying heavens orders just to prove to that demon those exterminations aren't by angels.

I'm almost certain this is all some trick so I spent the last few days in heaven, training for a battle if I needed to use my weapon to kill an overlord.

I took a heavy sigh as I stepped through the portal to meet with him at the normal spot. Snapping my fingers, I put on my demon disguise.

My demon disguise wasn't much different from my normal self. I had black hair and red eyes like a demon with horns. Rest of me was still the same. I stood by awaiting the radio demons arrival

"I'm sorry my dear. I don't believe we've met." Alastor appeared right behind me. His eyes going black with the red dots "what have you done with my good friend, y/n?"

"Alastor, relax, it's me. I've had a disguise all along that I've never used. Since you're taking me into town, I thought this would be more appropriate" I smiled

Alastor glanced at me again. He looked me up and down, which made me uncomfortable.

"You know my dear, I don't believe I've ever seen your figure properly. I don't know why you choose to hide it, with a body like yours, you'd have anyone at your feet" he chuckled.

I looked down at my body, I never really paid attention to it too much. When I do think about it, Alastor only saw me wearing giant sweaters and pants. My hair was always tied up and put under a beanie. Now my hair was long and down. I wore a black dress that hugged my curves correctly. (Leaving to the imagination with your style of dress)

"Shall we my dear" he held out his hand.

Hesitantly, I grabbed it and we were off. He didn't just teleport us to an area, he made me walk along pride. Standing next to him. People were either looking or running away at the sight of him. It's strange to see how power dynamics were in hell.

In heaven, higher ups were always greeted and respected. Down here, they run at the sight of a higher up.

"They seem very afraid of you"

"I do hope they are darling. Everyone knows not to mess with the radio demon" he fed his own ego.

He brought me to a place called cannibal town. It was actually very peaceful, other than the citizens violently devouring other citizens

"So this is...this is um" I looked around "peaceful?"

"Well of course dear, cannibal town is the only town in pride that's peaceful! Everyone here just spends time eating!" He laughed and walked me to a little cottage in the corner of town.

"Alastor! Dear! What are you doing back over here!" A tall woman called out to them. She looked super cute in my opinion. She wore a purple dress and a big feathery hat! Like the cannibals, she black eyes and sharp teeth.

She was creepy but strangely enough, the least insane looking one.

I looked over to Alastor again, he had super sharp teeth. Was he, too, a cannibal? I questioned that in my head as the two greeted each other like he was her son.

"Who's this you brought here? Alastor, what did I tell you about inviting women into your home?" She put her hands on her hips while looking me up and down

"Remember that little Angel I was talking about the last couple of weeks?" Alastor asked

He talked about me? Why? What kind of entertainment do I really bring this man? Who is this woman?  How does she know I'm an Angel? Is she going to eat me? Oh no this was a trap. I still have time, I can es—-

"Alastor, dear, she's not exactly what I thought when you said she was an Angel" the woman looked at me.

Alastor just grinned and opened the door to the cottage. They let me walk in first, then the other demon and finally Alastor stepped in.

I noticed the polite attitude Alastor had. I've watched him slaughter demons. I've watched him devour them whole but at the same time, he also never lets a woman open a door.

"It's simple, she has some sort of demon disguise" he chuckled "I've never seen this version until today"

"Hmmmmm" she held her chin while staring me down.

I blushed from embarrassment and snapped my fingers. Instantly, I was in the same dress but I had long curly brown hair and blue eyes.

She gasped with joy and smiled "oh my stars! You look absolutely stunning. I get it now"

"Oh um thank you" I smiled and looked over to Alastor.

He wasn't focusing on what just happened until the lady demon and I went silent.

When he glanced at me, both of us heard a radio squeaking noise.

Both of us tilted our head when he made that strange noise.

"I apologize for that. I was just surprised my dear."

"Alastor, have some manners. I apologize darling, let Rosie take care of you" she dragged me off to the kitchen to make some tea. "Are you interested in any lady fingers?" Rosie whipped out of a jar of amputated fingers.

"Oh no thank you" I smiled.

I was listening to Rosie go on and on about where she got the fingers. I couldn't help but notice Alastor staring holes into the back of my head. Why was the dude looking at me like that?

My husband is a demon! (Alastor x reader) Where stories live. Discover now