Chapter 6

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———————-Alastor POV————————

I was looking along my bookshelf when I heard a snap. My eyes directed on y/ns actual form. I don't lie in my own head, I froze. I hadn't seen what she truly looked like behind the sweater and hat. I didn't know she was so....what's the word? I don't know. It was just shocking to see

I see both of the women in my home tilt their heads at me. Did I make a noise?

"I apologize my dear, I was just surprised" I say, trying to figure out what I did.

Rosie sent her off to the kitchen because I was 'rude'

Shrugging it off, I continued to look at the books. I hadn't been here since I first came down to hell. Rosie set me up a place in her town so I could rest in between territory claiming.

"Hmm" I hummed as I walked back into the kitchen to see the two women drinking a cup of tea "would you like me to prepare you supper?"

Y/n looked over to me and smiled "I was going to offer the same thing"

When she looked over to me, I noticed my radio screech for the first time. Why do I suddenly feel awkward with her? Maybe I just need to think of her still in that hat and glasses wearing those sweaters and pants.

"Oooohhhh y/n, deary, I have a question for you" Rosie looked at her

"Yeah what's up?"

"Since you're all holy and stuff, maybe you could pick up some vegetables from heaven! It's always so difficult to get that stuff at it's perfect ripeness down her in pride" she smiled

Y/n thought for a moment "I guess I could just snap my fingers"

She did just so and vegetables all sat on the counter. Rosie smiled. For a cannibal, she sure seemed excited about it. It's strange for me, since being in hell, I always had a craving for venison but seeing this assortment made me crave one thing. Jambalaya.

"You mind making a few other things appear? With all these fresh ingredients, we could make my mothers jambalaya." I let out a genuinely grin as y/n nodded and made a few more things appear.

"So this is a staple dish where you are from originally" she asked me.

"Ah yes one of the few most glorious recipes down in New Orleans." I grinned.

I pulled off my coat and hung it up in the foyer. I normally liked to be fully dressed but since I was at home, I could relax a bit. Especially in the presence of y/n and Rosie. One thing I hated, my deer tail. It made me look too friendly.

Y/n saw my tail but didn't say anything. She told me years later that she tried not to laugh in order to avoid crushing my ego. What a respectful lady.

I spent a good bit teaching y/n how to cook the dish my mother used to make me. She helped chop the vegetables because well, being in hell, you're not using knives to dice vegetables is all I will say.

We were having small talk when I noticed Rosie in the corner of my eye.

Rosie just smiled while watching us like a proud mother watching her son make friends. Later I learned she was smiling because it was the first time I took interest in a woman other than to protect her.

She knew I liked y/n years before I knew I liked y/n.

Once the dish was prepared, I made y/n sit down and served the ladies first before myself.

Rosie enjoyed anything I made but I was curious for the angels reaction.

I watched her take a bite and it looked like she lit up like a Christmas tree.

She had a blush across her cheeks and her angel wings sprung open which earned a laugh from both Rosie and myself. She argued she was just surprised by the taste of the food.

Rosie left about an hour later, she enjoyed the company of someone so innocent. It's definitely a nice strange to all the sinners who would do anything to gain power. Myself included.

                         Your POV

I finished up cleaning the dishes. That dinner was exceptional. I was a decent cook but never once tried creole food like that. It was so good.

Alastor showed me to the bathroom and manifested some pajamas for me to change into. It was a simple night gown. Very modest and a light pink.

I ran myself a bath and watched as the water filled up slowly. Even though I enjoyed tonight, I was worried what the exterminations would do to my opinion of heaven. I'm not fully convinced it's angels doing the murdering but why would Alastor lie to me about it and want me to see it for myself?

That's what got me for the most part. I stepped into the bath. It was nice and warm. It felt like the water was giving me a hug.

I sat there for a bit, just enjoying the most relaxing part of the day.

After finishing up my bath, I made my way back to the livingroom.

"I've made some coffee if you're interested" Alastor grinned at me. I shook my head. I did not need the caffeine to elevate my anxiety.

"Suit yourself" he took a sip "something seems to be on your mind, care to share?"

I looked at him. He was offering me to speak my mind? Was he just looking to gloat if I admitted I believed him and didn't want to believe him?

"It's nothing, really. I think I'm just a little tired, that's all"

He set down his cup and stood up. "Then I should show you off to your room!"

"What? Alastor, this is only a one bedroom. You don't have to give up your room so I can spend a couple nights" I insisted

"It's not a problem dear! I rarely sleep anyway!" He had light jazz music playing as he walked me to the bedroom in question. "I even fixed it up for you" he opened the door.

Taking a look inside, it was bright pink. The sheets were decorated with my little pony characters and to top it all off was the aggressive amount of stuffed animals around. I did a double take. Huh? You've got to kidding me! Is this a joke?

"Alastor." I said

"What?" He seemed genuinely thrown off

"Have you ever been around an actual adult woman?" I asked, being genuine.

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