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Chapter 731 Why bother in the first place if you knew this was the case The
lightning golden eagle glanced at Ye Feiran, flew over directly, and begged as he flew, "Human, I beg you to put out the flames, please!"

However, it moved forward, and Ye Scarlet retreated, always keeping a certain distance.

Seeing this, the lightning golden eagle finally accepted his fate.

"Master, master, I am willing to surrender to you, you hurry up and help me extinguish the fire, I am very powerful, I can fight energy and electricity, and I can fly."

Hearing this, Ye Feiran finally smiled, but he still stood in place and did not move, only a drop of blood popped out and flew towards the lightning golden eagle.

Seeing this, the Lightning Golden Eagle completely accepted his fate and took the initiative to meet that drop of blood.

Ye Fei's blood melted into the center of its eyebrows, and the contract array appeared.

When the contract was successful, the sound of the lightning golden eagle ghost crying wolf sounded again.

"Master, hurry up and help me put out the fire, or I'll really be roasted."

With a wave of Ye Feiran's little hand, all the flames were extinguished.

"I knew this was the case, why did I have to do it in the first place, I deserved it!"

Seeing that the flames were extinguished, the Lightning Golden Eagle breathed a sigh of relief, finally no longer having to be roasted.

But it saw that there was not a single feather on its body, and its whole body was charred and black, and it was still steaming and smelling, and it almost had a heart attack.

It was a dignified third-level divine beast that ended up like this, it was too embarrassing for the divine beast's face, woo......

Ye Feiran slowly walked in front of the lightning golden eagle, deliberately took a deep breath, and exaggerated, "Oh my God, it's so fragrant!" You shouldn't have been soft-hearted just now, you should have been roasted and eaten. Lightning

Golden Eagle: "...... Master, I'm not tasty.

Ye Feiran raised his eyes and glanced at the Lightning Golden Eagle, and bent down to take out a dagger from his boots.

The lightning golden eagle looked at the dagger that shimmered in the moonlight, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart.

Ye Feiran held the dagger, his eyes fell on the tail of the lightning golden eagle, and he said in an unhurried tone, "I see that the meat of your tail is roasted in some places, let me cut a little to taste the taste?"

Hearing this, the lightning golden eagle trembled in fright, "Lord, master, I'm really not delicious, really!"

Ye Feiran looked at the trembling buttocks of the lightning golden eagle, and couldn't help laughing, "Hahaha...... So you're so cowardly! Lightning

Golden Eagle: "......"

It doesn't coax, it just encounters a terrifying demon master who doesn't play his cards according to common sense.

Ye Feiran glanced at the Lightning Golden Eagle, stopped teasing it, and asked, "What about your companion?" "What companion?"

Lightning Golden Eagle looked puzzled, but his eyes were still firmly fixed on the dagger in Ye Feiran's hand, for fear that he would be cut by Ye Feiran to eat it if he was not careful.

"You are not the only beast here, I am your master now, you can't help foreign beasts." Ye Feiran said with a smile, and began to play with the dagger in his hand again.

The lightning golden eagle was startled again, and said seriously, "Master, I really don't have a companion, if there are companions, I was burned so badly by you, how could they not come out to help?"

Ye Feiran's eyebrows raised slightly, "Really?

"Really, master, I don't dare lie to you." The lightning golden eagle nodded like pounded garlic.

"Okay, you see if there are any other magical beasts around, make sure that I don't heal you, so that you can grow feathers as soon as possible." Ye Feiran said with a smile.

When the lightning golden eagle heard this, it almost felt crying bitterly, and it was naturally undesirable to be able to grow feathers quickly, otherwise it would be really congested with this bare and black body every day!
"Yes, master!"

So, regardless of the burning pain on his body, the lightning golden eagle flew around the enchantment, paying special attention to the surrounding situation to ensure that there was not a single demonic beast in the enchantment, because only in this way could the owner heal it with peace of mind.

Ye Feiran looked at the appearance of the lightning golden eagle, and smiled uncontrollably, it turns out that he can fly without feathers!

"Ahem...... Nightmare, do you see if there are any other magical beasts around? Ye Feiran coughed lightly.

The Nightmare Beast carefully probed the surrounding situation, and it was really not a single demonic beast, which made it feel very puzzled, it had clearly found the breath of several divine beasts before.

The nightmare beast told Ye Feiran the truth about the situation, Ye Feiran frowned slightly, and he also used his divine sense to probe, which was the same result.

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