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It's been two weeks since Maura and Jane have returned.  None of us have heard from the phantom.

" Ryan and Lupe none of us blame you for having this lady help you raise money for a good cause. She was good at hiding her real identity. No one has been able to find her anywhere.  It's like she is a ghost. No fingerprints or anything. "  "Babe who knew this volunteer would be so evil?" "James I should have had her vetted.  It's my responsibility.  I put everyone's life in jeopardy." " Lupe it's my agency I inherited from Julia Ann. I am just as responsible as you."
" Ryan and Lupe, you both are being ridiculous. Whomever she has to do with our past when my wife was a homicide detective and I was the Forensics Medical Examiner of Boston, Massachusetts." 
"Babe you're right it has to be someone we are forgetting about. Maura, you have a photographic memory and still, we have no clue after two weeks. We all need to go home or you all can stay here. Maura and my home is big enough for us all including our joint security employees to stay here. We are probably safer too."

Everyone left to a bedroom to sleep. We had the best security and Clayton had trained dogs to kill which were wandering around the property.  We knew we would have natural fertilizer with all the fecal matter they would or have done so far. It was a daily task for us and a few others to clean up.  The dumpster had a lot of it in already. We all were glad the dumpster was rolled out to the street this evening.

Maura and I made love in the shower. I was finally comfortable not having a penis anymore because of cancer. It took me several years including therapy to move forward and lots of discussions with family and friends who still were intersex. Maura and I were finally I'm bed.  We kissed a few times and said our prayers before we fell asleep.

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