13 Jeremiah Gonzalez

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We stopped over to get fuel twice then were finally in Washington DC being interrogated.  These people forget where are judges and doctors.   We all made sure we were done in two days. The memorial would be at Elk Grove at Maura's property which holds special events like car fundraisers, galas etcetera. Rachel and her floral business did the flowers.  Jane had a local priest say the service.  Eiza had decided to have their bodies cremated together and placed in one urn which would be taken to a local cemetery in Sacramento.  She had a headstone made up with all their names including her son, Jeremiah Gonzalez. This was the name that she and Susan had chosen. Dominique and  Sienna did the food.  Juanita and her partners were there to support Maura and the others. The celebration of life was nice.  We had to use local police to keep the media at bay and off the property. Jane and Abigail flew their helicopters to get Eiza, Lisa,   the urn, Maura,  Carina, and Maya out of there safely.  A limousine was waiting for Eiza and Lisa to say their goodbyes and have the urn buried.  Jane flew them.
On our way to our home, Jane tells me she will be representing Eiza's behalf in a lawsuit against the defibrillator company and the hospital.  She says the German officials won't make it easy which we knew they wouldn't.

We finally unpacked.

" Doc Charice told Samuel. Samuel is staying with Jennifer and Clayton for now. He was hurt we did that. As you can see when I lift unbutton my blouse, what he did to me."  " Jane that is a nasty bruise."
" He cracked two ribs too. Charice is angry because it was both of us not just me. "

We got ready for bed. Maura wasn't in the mood for sex. She was hurt too. I couldn't blame her. Maura had slapped us both. Her wedding ring caught Charice's lip which caused it to be cut and bleed. My face had her handprint.  No one knew about it but us and Charice.  My face still stung when I removed my makeup. We both fell asleep. Maura stayed far away from me with her sports bra and panties on.

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