3 Minimal Clues

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The following morning,  we received a package addressed to Maura and I. The bomb squad examined it to make sure it was safe before Antonio brought it to us.

" Here it's and it's safe to open. "

Jane uses  a knife to open the box. Inside the box is clues.  Maura, Jane and everyone who they knew is in Boston who were still alive began working on the clues.

" Jane these clues are from the Arthur symposium on when the lady wrote about you and others being victims of Hoyt."

Jane nodded I was right. This was one of horrific times in our lives especially for Jane. Ryan and Lupe looked through photos and were able to identify the lady. We didn't know if this was a disguise of someone portraying her who knew about Jane or if this was actually the phantom who was threatening us and the world.

We handed the photo to the all of the officials from our country and the FBI faxed her photo out to all the states and other countries. We needed her to be stopped and found soon before the deadly virus would be released.  We still had no clue where it was at. We only knew the phantom demanded fifty billion.

" You guys this phantom is good. No finger prints anywhere and the carrier sent it went through customs but a fake information was given from Olivia's international packaging company in Italy."
" Aunties I will have my people look into further to see if any CCTV footage picked up the person and if it's leads us to the original sender. "
" Olivia ,we have Chad, Spinelli and the authorities looking into it already. " " Uncle Frankie this is scary especially since the phantom didn't give us a  time line." "I AGREE SWEETHEART. "

Spinelli and Shad are on the TV screen in the huge movie room where we currently are at.

" What is it Spinelli?"
" Jay it's a cyclist who dropped off the package. I am looking for other footage to see where she came from."

Shad and the local authorities are looking at the feed as well as us. This lady is good.  So far she has used over twenty people by various as means of transportation to get it to Olivia's packaging company.  The authorities over there with Sonny Corinthos and his mobster connections are looking to find these people. There really isn't much more to go on. Sienna brings everyone various as pizzas, chicken wings, calzones,  and salads people who are at our home ordered.  Ryan had sent Julianne's guards, Miguel Ortiz  and  Phillip  Cruz to bring truck loads of water, sodas and other beverages to everyone's homes including ours. People were stocking up on supplies just in case a lock down was needed to stay alive.
After dinner, just our family and security teams stayed in our home. People were sprawled out throughout the mansion. We all were tired and frustrated. We decided to play some  various games throughout our home until people got tired and went to take showers before bedtime. Our washers and dryers were working over time. We weren't worry about it. We finally fell asleep with us just cuddling.

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