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Eiza and I just held one another. She was glad that Jane would be her lawyer against the defibrillator company, seller, and the hospital. Eiza and I weren't in the mood for sex of any sort. We knew it would be a while. We finally fell asleep on our back.

Eiza woke up crying and shaking. I held her and told her I was there. She said she had a dream about her vasectomy and her children's disease. I couldn't blame her. I had her move once I fluffed up all of the pillows on the carpet and our bed. My head would be leaning on the pillows. My wife's head would be resting her head on my chest with my arms wrapped around her. She placed her hands over mine. We talked until the sunrise. We got up and made a nice breakfast of Belgian waffles with whipped cream and strawberries with thick smoked bacon and two coffees. We ate and then cleaned up. The refrigerator and pantry were now cleaned and restocked thanks to June and Avery. They left us some flowers with a lovely note, saying how deeply they were sorry. We knew we would be back to work in a week and would start therapy with a private psychiatrist. We didn't want others to know about it. We were glad that June and Avery had remarried a few months after Aspen died in a car accident. June was beside herself. The family and friends stuck by June.

Lisa called Avery and June, thanking them for everything in taking care of our property and making sure our bills were paid on time or ahead.


We both got on our laptops to do this. We then sent thank you cards handwritten to all who wrote cards and donated funds for the celebration of life and all that went with it. We paid for the plot and tombstone ourselves. We have two plots next to theirs for the future. We were tired and decided to watch a comedy something to cheer us up before the therapist arrived for group counseling.

Our couple's therapy today was brutal. He informed us he would fax a letter to Mimi Rodgers, our supervisor, once we fulfilled the requirements to return to work. We both didn't know this was a new requirement. We wouldn't return to work for two more months. Ultimately, we both haven't been judges for close to two years now. We made ourselves two chili dogs, a bag of chips, and an iced tea. Maura, Jane, and Lisa's former nieces called us. One was our colleague.

" Avery, when did Mimi implement this new policy?"Auntie a few weeks after you left. It came down from Governor Newsom. No other judges throughout California state like it. They are challenging it even Mimi is. She agrees on therapy during work hours but doesn't feel Newsom is right." " Thanks for calling and checking up on us. I guess Ezia and I can go to Lake Tahoe and stay at Maura's Inn. We can video chat our sessions. "Jane and Maura are there already. "

I ended the conversation and told my wife. Ezia packed our stuff while I called our therapist to inform them that we would have to have our sessions via telephone or video chat.

I answered my cell.
" Good afternoon Lupe before you say anything. It's not your or Ryan's fault this occurred. Ryan
I spoke to Lisa earlier. None of us blame you. I am getting ready to leave with my wife for Lake Tahoe since we will be off for two months.

We said goodbye and ended our calls. Lisa was already outside in her SUV, which Jane had bought several years ago and was still in good condition. I locked up our home and turned on the alarm.

"Lisa, thank you for helping me put up our bags in here. I just got off on my cell with Lupe. She called to apologize. I told her Ryan had done that earlier with you. None of them blamed them.
" I had to recharge the battery before I got it started. I have a battery waiting for us at the inn so it can be replaced. Maura said she would have one of her employees do it for me."

Lisa turned her satellite radio to a rock station. We sang to the songs we knew while Lisa drove us to the inn. We made good timing. We left at a good time before people were getting off of work. We arrived and Maura had her employees waiting for us. One of the men switched out the old car battery with the new one that Lisa had charged and was delivered to the inn.

"Dr.Isles has instructed us to have you two ladies stay in the other bedroom of her suite. The Reeves are staying there too. Lisa I will need your keys to drive your vehicle and park it in the rear. She figured you and your wife would want to stay away from the media. They are gone and are at the country club for the celebrity golf fundraiser. They will be here for the rest of the week and are expected to leave on Sunday afternoon. Mrs . Davis said if it gets too bad to call her. She would have several of their security come and get you two to stay with them." " Thank you for the message."

I handed him my key to my SUV only.
We stopped by to get an ice cream to eat in the suite. Maura canceled my reservations knowing we would be safer in her suite and not worry about the expense of a room for two months.

" Eiza I hope that is okay we are staying with them." " I don't mind. Maura is saving us money and we will have more things to do in her suite than go elsewhere. I hope the bedroom is soundproof when we decide to make life again." " Eiza there is no rush. The bedroom and ensuite are soundproof only if the windows are doors are closed. "

The inn employees unpacked our stuff. They left our golf equipment and extra gun equipment in the living room with everyone else's. We sat down outside on the covered patio looking at the water. We ate our ice cream in silence. The four of them were gone. We were able to enjoy the silence for a while until they returned.

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