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Susan made more changes. She and Maura were gone for a month. Ezia and I were worried.  We would get calls from Maura telling is she was okay.

Maura had made me feel better each day . She was an amazing lover, cook, yoga instructor,  acupuncturist,  and doctor. She was easy to talk to as well.

"Susan you are better except the hematomas I left on your body. I got carried away. You are ready to conceive again. If you have another miscarriage, please don't make us stay longer. " " I won't and we leave tomorrow after dinner. I want more time making love to you and vice versa "

We back in the king size bed. Her guards were out in the hallway.  They could hear us making love. I was no longer fucking Susan.  I was making love to her today and the pass two weeks.  Tonight after an hour an half with breaks. I was now fisting her. This was something she wanted to try with me. I started slowly and eventually got harder with more pressure. She was an emotional mess afterwards but enjoyed it.  She decided to use a phallus in my anus,  vagina and my mouth. This was 19.5 inches and I  never knew there was one This long. She informed me she found it on Amazon and has used it several times on herself in her bathroom attaching it to her wall. I  would definitely being ordering a few of these for myself and others. She used a whip on my body and it didn't hurt. I was shocked on how well she used it on my back and chest. There were no cuts only bruises like light hematomas. I finally fell asleep with the 19.5 phallus in my anus and vagina.

" Lisa if she loses another child of mine. I want to get a vasectomy for good. I can't handle losing another one. My sperm has been deposited in a few sperm banks in Europe.  I don't want to know if anyone is my child.  It's too hard." " Babe I will
support you in any way you decide. Susan did say she would tell your child about you when she or he turns 18. "

We left Susan's special room that had various sorts of sex toys and chains like fifty shades of gray movie. We closed the door but two strong men held us while two other opened the door then closed them.

" We are going to have some fun before she returns tomorrow evening. We will be long gone by then."

They made me watched Lisa be raped both ways. She was forced to oral populate all of them Now it was my turn to give them head . Three I did willingly. I knew if I didn't they would hurt my wife and me. The final one  I bit his dick off which wasn't easy. He bled to death. I was given a towel and mouth wash to rinse my mouth out and wipe the blood. Lisa had already wiped her mouth after gargling with scope.  I was now tide to a table bent over. My wife was muzzled and got to watch me be raped badly. It hurt a lot but there was no way I would scream or cry. I finally fell asleep after seeing a woman fucking my wife.

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