11 Found

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We all made love together. Of course,  my wife made love more to Susan. We venture outside to walk on the property and work out.  This went on for a month. Jane and Charice were a couple. Lisa and I realized that when we saw them on video chat. Neither of us said an. I knew my security people were looking for us to no avail. I was just glad all of my properties were doing well Jane had my power of attorney on the day I left. I trusted her with it all. She told me everyone was happy with their bonuses for Christmas.  She recently had all of their evaluations done. She attached them to my business email accounts. I contacted my sister-in-law, Laura to have additional checks deposited in their bank accounts on my behalf.  Susan trusted the three of us to communicate via her laptop which was encrypted. Whoever worked on it made it where no one could locate us. They were sent all over the world if they tried.

" Susan you are three weeks pregnant per the lab work. You are to be on bed rest until further notice. "
" Thank you gals. I will do what Maura and Carina tell me. Carina, I am sorry you are here without your wife. I just needed someone who specializes in high-risk pregnancies. "
" I am not thrilled but understand.  My wife on the other hand wants to kill you with her bare hands.  I  am going to go unpack, do some yoga, eat, take a shower, and sleep. "

The world now knew I was pregnant by Ezia Gonzalez,  a superior court judge in Sacramento. I closed the door and spoke to Ezia by myself.  I wanted to know how she was handling being there and everything that had transpired to this point.

I was not expecting her to say it wasn't too bad besides the rape. She trusted Susan. I thought she was mad for saying that like a crazy person.

" Ezia we are all worried about you all and now c
Carina is there too."
"Avery I am not going crazy.  No, I don't like being here and having sex all the time. I don't know how you Rizzolis do this.  It's very tiresome on my body and it aches.  I am having acupuncture done by Maura and massages done daily which is helping immensely. I know this isn't what you wanted to hear from me. Please let the others know we are doing pretty well. Please tell Maya that Carina is being treated like a queen. She is needed if my baby girl is going to survive.  I already lost a boy." " Ezia I will and we all are so sorry for your loss. Many of us have lost children and know the feeling. I have to."

We said goodbye and ended the conversation at the courthouse. How was I going to tell the others this?

I met with my fellow judges only.  They were shocked to hear what Ezia stated.  We would continue to pray for them to all return home alive. We knew some therapy would have to occur.  I finally drove to my aunt's house to let my loved ones know along with Maya.  Maya was pissed and wanted to take a leave of absence but knew she wouldn't.  She needed to be strong for her wife and the community she protected as a firefighter.

We all ate dinner catered by cousin Juanita's restaurant.  The food was delicious as usual.

" We decided to return to our job at station 15. Our community needs us plus we don't want to lose our positions," says Chief Mathew Casey.

He was proud of us all for how we were handling everything since they left.  We all cleaned up. The Charice's cell rang.
We all looked at her.

" Samuel, have you found them? PLEASE BE CAREFUL. I LOVE YOU."

I ended my call.

"They just arrested all of them including Susan.  The German authorities are working with the FBI to have them return safely.  Maura will not be flying her helicopter. It was confiscated by the Germans and she doesn't care. They are worried about Susan and Eiza's unborn child. Ezia and Lisa will raise it once she is born. They are being detained to be interrogated than it is to Washington than home. They would like Eric McCormick and Abigail Mac to meet them in Washington when they arrive.  Jane, they want you to stay here even if the FBI has to arrest you for your safety," says Charice.

We all were clapping and crying. Charice told us three weeks maximum they would be back in Sacramento.  Jane was pissed as usual. Everyone left after a while. 

Now it was just Charice and I thinking what we were going to tell our spouses about us.

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