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" We are glad you two made it here safely especially the way the fires are occurring. I hope you found the right room to settle in." " Yes, Lisa drove us and the freeway was backed up because of accidents, Cal Trans work, and the fires. We had a pretty good time. The man changed the battery for her. I think he has a slight crush on my wife."   " Babe h3 does but he knows I am bisexual and is married.  He has worked here since he turned seventeen I believe. " " Lisa, the manager hired him before he turned seventeen.  He is going to college to be a lawyer.  You and Jane inspired him with all of your conversations over the years.  He graduates next year from law school. He already has been approached by several firms including Jane and Abigail. "  " We all just got back from a concert in the nearby park. Are you two up to go to the casino tonight and do some gambling or dancing?"

I look at Ezia not sure if she is up to it or not.

" Sure Jane all of the above.  I need to get out of this funk mood. We all need some outside entertainment. What time we will be leaving?"  " Eiza we figured in about an hour. The club we are going to allows shorts and flip-flops."
" Eiza let's go get ready and change into more comfortable clothes."

We all went to our bedrooms to change and/or freshen up. We were all ready in time.  Maura had the limousine from the inn drive us just in case we wanted to drink too much. Off we went.  Jane and Maura had shorts with tank tops on. Maura had sandals and Jane was wearing flip-flops. Jennifer and Clayton had cargo shorts with t-shirts on with tennis shoes.  Lisa and I had Jean's shorts on. Mine was cargo. We both had tank tops and tennis shoes on. We all were packing.

" On Monday,  I would like you three to give me your sworn statements. I don't want you three to have to fly back to Germany.  I already filed the paperwork for the three lawsuits. I am still waiting for a response from them.  James and two other investigators are working on the case with me. Eiza this will be a pro Bono case for my work.  The plane fair, hotel, food, and the paralegal and investigators will be the only ones you will be billed for. Maura is picking up half the tab. She didn't want to insult you."  " Thank you just send me my portions of the bills. I don't want any of the winnings personally. I want a fund to be done for parents who are struggling to pay for their unborn children's hospital and funeral bills.  I will do that paperwork myself."

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