4 Instructions

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We all were woken up by a big sound that made the house shake. Home and vehicle alarms went off. Everything was finally calm.

" MOM it's a big box that hit the driveway and the pavement is cracked in several places. Uncle Frankie called the bomb squad. They are on their way. Kono and Jay too. They told Uncle Frankie for everyone to go back in the house and stay in the bomb shelters until its cleared."

We all made our way to the bomb shelters throughout the property. We were glad Ryan and Julianne had the foresight for us all to stock up on supplies. Maura and I can see through the cameras. The bomb squad is here and checking it out. The main gate Frankie had given them the combination. The media finally got a hold of the information. People were scared. Stores were depleted as of last night. People crashed multiple servers trying to order items. If we ran out of regular food, we had plenty of military rations in sealed packages that would last us a minimum of over a year. We got the call to exit. Maura used the intercom system communicating to all we all can exit the bomb shelter.

" Maura they are requesting you, Lisa Marcos, and Ezia to arrive at these coordinates in six hours. You are to pick them up in your helicopter. Your Blackbox has been disabled and no communication whatsoever with anyone but you three, phantom and her people or else. I already contacted Lisa and Ezia to pack warm clothes, money, and their passports. "  " Jay hold up my wife isn't leaving without me. "
" Jane sorry arrest her.  There will be no hearing and no bail set per the instructions which has no fingerprints including nothing on anything else. We have to play by their rules."

Jane grabs the note from Jay. She is pissed. I don't have time to comfort my wife. We don't have time to make arrangements to bug them etcetera.

Jane follows my mother to their bedroom in handcuffs with two police officers. We hear Maura raising her voice at my mother. Ten minutes later Maura is in the air to get Lisa and Ezia.

" Lisa and Ezia,Jay arrested Jane without bail. " "Maura it's for her good. We all know that. She knows it too but her Italian ego is in the way of denial."

We don't talk much and arrive at the destination to gas up and be told to fly again. This happened to us in Germany. We land in a forest area.  It was the writer   and she told ushello to us three.

"Blindfold them and place earmuffs on them after Maura turns over all the keys to the helicopter or Lisa dies. "

I hand over three sets and she smiles.  Ezia calls her a cocky bitch.
We are earmuffed, blindfolded, and handcuffed to a bar of some sort in front of us. We arrive at the place about an hour later via 4x4 Hummer. We are helped with our luggage after everything is removed.

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