6 Back to Normalcy as can be

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Lisa and I stayed outside by the fireplace staying warm. Ezia exited the home. She informed us she wasn't able to release hardly any fluids because of all the wonderful coitus we had.
" Ezia , Susan informed us of the plan changed. It should be announced soon that the military has the virus now and the money was traded.  They have been watching us like a hawk, since we came out here." " Babe look at me. It's not your fault. Your not a machine.  As soon as Maura shows her the proof your pregnant,  the three of us will be released. At this rate,  it may take a few weeks, months or years. You know I am fertile but none of us know about Susan."  " Ezia Susan had me review her medical records online that were sent to her email.  She needs to get pregnant soon or she won't at all."  " Great Maura more pressure for my swimmers to connect to her eggs successfully. "

We ate lunch inside without Susan. She apparently was asleep.  We decided to go in the hot tub.  None of us had bathing suits. It was us in our birthday suits only. We enjoyed ourselves then got out to dry off and cuddle under a few blankets.
My wife was giving me a hand job. I didn't moan or scream.  Maura was pulling on my testicle and I ended up jerking off under the covers.  I held both and told them thank you but now let's eat an early dinner. I knew Maura was tired. She had no back up person to fly her helicopter.

Several weeks had passed. Susan lost her baby boy. My wife was just as distraught. Maura and I barely could hold us all four together. Our loved ones knew we were safe and us four were engaging in sex. Eiza job was to get Susan pregnant. Once the baby was six months and healthy, the phantom would release them.

"Maura tonight you will be in my bed. Ezia you can be with your wife for a week. The weather has changed and soon new clothes and shoes will be delivered. I got your sizes when your items were being washed. Once your clothes arrive,Maura and I will be leaving. When we return and  if I find out any more women or men touched you or raped you.They will be thrown alive in the furnace to burn. No one could hear when the others were killed. "

Maura left in the hummer and Ezia and I finished eating our dinner. We went outside to go swimming in the nude.

In Sacramento... everyone was back to work and living their lives as normal.  The military disposed of the virus safely. None of us knew how. We just wanted them three back. Jane was getting a massage in her bedroom by me. No one else was in the mansion.  Jane requested I stay with her until Maura returns. Samuel and many of the others guards have been looking for them.

" Charice I want a massage like the old days. "

Charice removes all of her clothes and and sandals.  She asks if I want her to wear a condom. I tell her no and I want the 
sex for the first hour to be rough.

" Jane let's get real. You don't want a massage. You want me to fuck you. I can do that easily ."

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